Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
7081 Pyrenopsis homoeopsis Nyl. No Pyrenopsis furfurea 1212 DD NR Sc
7082 Pyrenopsis imbrida (Taylor) Müll. Arg. No ? a species of Porocyphus, Pterygiopsis or Pyrenopsis
7083 Pyrenopsis impolita (Th. Fr.) Forssell (1885) Yes Pyrenopsis impolita 1798 DD NR Sc Pyrenopsis impolita
7084 Pyrenopsis lecanopsoides Nyl. No Porocyphus coccodes 1184 LC NS
7085 Pyrenopsis multispora Coppins No Pyrenopsis grumulifera 1674 DD NR Sc
7086 Pyrenopsis phylliscella Nyl. (1875) Yes Pyrenopsis phylliscella 1218 DD NR E IR Pyrenopsis phylliscella
7087 Pyrenopsis pulvinata (Schaer.) Th. Fr. No Euopsis pulvinata 1219 LC NR Sc
7088 Pyrenopsis rhodosticta auct., non (Taylor) Müll. Arg. No Pyrenopsis subareolata 1220 LC NS
7089 Pyrenopsis schaereri (A. Massal.) Nyl. No Psorotichia schaereri 1208 LC NS
7090 Pyrenopsis subareolata Nyl. (1861) Yes Pyrenopsis subareolata Pyrenopsis rhodosticta auct. p.p. 1220 LC NS Pyrenopsis subareolata
7091 Pyrenotea aphanes auct. p.p. No Lecanactis subabietina 606 LC Sc IR
7092 Pyrenotea aphanes auct. p.p. No Opegrapha vermicellifera 965 LC
7093 Pyrenotea aphanes (Borrer) Leight. No identity uncertain; probably an Opegrapha sp.
7094 Pyrenotea hippocastani Leight. nom. nud. No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
7095 Pyrenotea leucocephala (Ach.) Fr. No Lecanactis abietina 592 LC
7096 Pyrenotea lutea Leight. No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
7097 Pyrenotea niveoatra (Borrer) Leight. No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
7098 Pyrenotea rudis auct. p.max.p. No Opegrapha vermicellifera 965 LC
7099 Pyrenotea rudis (Borrer) Leight. No a non-lichenized coelomycete {F}
7100 Pyrenula acutispora Kalb & Hafellner (1992) Yes Pyrenula acutispora Pyrenula microtheca auct. brit, 1676 NT NR Sc Pyrenula acutispora
7101 Pyrenula aff. microtheca R.C. Harris, sensu auct. brit. No Pyrenula acutispora 1676 NT NR Sc
7102 Pyrenula chlorospila (Nyl.) Arnold (1887) Yes Pyrenula chlorospila Pyrenula nitida auct. p.p.Pyrenula nitida var. nitidella auct. p.max.p.Pyrenula nitidella auct. p.max.p. 1221 LC Pyrenula chlorospila
7103 Pyrenula coryli A. Massal. (1852) Yes Pyrenula coryli Mycopyrenula coryli 1675 VU D2 NR Sc F Pyrenula coryli
7104 Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer. (1850) Yes Pyrenula dermatodes 1222 CR D NR P Sc IR Pyrenula dermatodes
7105 Pyrenula harrisii Hafellner & Kalb No Pyrenula occidentalis 1225 LC Sc IR
7106 Pyrenula hibernica (Nyl.) Aptroot (2003) Yes Pyrenula hibernica Parmentaria chilensis 1036 VU D2 NR P Sc Wa S8 IR Pyrenula hibernica
7107 Pyrenula laevigata auct. brit. p.p. pre-1980 No Pyrenula occidentalis 1225 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC Sc IR
7108 Pyrenula laevigata (Pers.) Arnold (1885) Yes Pyrenula laevigata 1223 LC NS Sc IR Pyrenula laevigata
7109 Pyrenula macrospora (Degel.) Coppins & P. James (1980) Yes Pyrenula macrospora Pyrenula nitida auct. p.p. 1224 LC Pyrenula macrospora
7110 Pyrenula microtheca auct. brit. No Pyrenula acutispora 1676 NT NR Sc