Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
7021 Pterygium lismorense Cromb. (1877) No Placynthium lismorense 1137 DD NR Sc
7022 Pterygium pannariellum Nyl. No Placynthium pannariellum 1140 NT NS Sc
7023 Ptychographa flexella (Ach.) Coppins No Elixia flexella 1209 NT NR Sc
7024 Ptychographa xylographoides Nyl. (1874) Yes Ptychographa xylographoides 1210 NT NS Sc IR Ptychographa xylographoides
7025 Punctelia borreri (Sm.) Krog (1982) Yes Punctelia borreri Parmelia borreri
Parmelia dubia auct. p.p.
985 LC Sc Punctelia borreri
7026 Punctelia jeckeri (Roum.) Kalb (2007) Yes Punctelia jeckeri Parmelia dubia auct. p.p.
Parmelia subrudecta auct. p.p.
Parmelia ulophylla
Punctelia ulophylla
1989 LC Punctelia jeckeri
7027 Punctelia oxyspora (Tul.) Davakar, Crespo, D.L. Hawksw. & Lumbsch (2017) No Nesolechia oxyspora 2139 LC LF
7028 Punctelia reddenda (Stirt.) Krog (1982) Yes Punctelia reddenda Parmelia dubia auct. p.p.
Parmelia reddenda
1011 LC L Punctelia reddenda
7029 Punctelia subrudecta s. lat. s. lat. Yes Punctelia subrudecta s. lat. Parmelia dubia auct. p.p.
Parmelia subrudecta
1021 Punctelia subrudecta s. lat.
7030 Punctelia subrudecta s. str. (Nyl.) Krog s. str. (1982) Yes Punctelia subrudecta s. str. Parmelia dubia auct. p.p.
Parmelia subrudecta
2070 LC Punctelia subrudecta s. str.
7031 Punctelia ulophylla (Ach.) Herk & Aptroot No Punctelia jeckeri 1989 LC
7032 Puttea caesia (Fr.) M. Svensson & T. Sprib. (2012) Yes Puttea caesia Biatora symmictella; Lecidea symmictella 2648 NE NR Puttea caesia
7033 Puttea duplex (Coppins & Aptroot) M. Svensson (2017) Yes Puttea duplex Fellhanera duplex 2504 LC NR IR Puttea duplex
7034 Pycnopsammina lobariae Diederich & Etayo (1995) No Psammina lobariae 1852 NE NR LF
7035 Pycnora leucococca (R. Sant.) R. Sant. (2004) No Toensbergia leucococca 1868 DD NR Sc
7036 Pycnora praestabilis (Nyl.) Hafellner (2001) Yes Pycnora praestabilis 2570 NE NR Pycnora praestabilis
7037 Pycnora sorophora (Vain.) Hafellner (2001) Yes Pycnora sorophora Hypocenomyce sorophora 1757 LC NR Pycnora sorophora
7038 Pycnora xanthococca (Sommerf.) Hafellner (2001) Yes Pycnora xanthococca Hypocenomyce xanthococca
Lecidea xanthococca
579 VU D2 NR Sc Pycnora xanthococca
7039 Pycnothelia papillaria Dufour (1821) Yes Pycnothelia papillaria Cladonia papillaria
Cladonia papillaria f. molariformis
1211 LC Pycnothelia papillaria
7040 Pyrenidium actinellum Nyl. (1865) Yes Pyrenidium actinellum Dacampiosphaeria rivana 2179 LC NS LF Pyrenidium actinellum
7041 Pyrenidium hetairizans (Leight.) D. Hawksw. (1986) Yes Pyrenidium hetairizans Phaeospora hetairizans 2180 NE NR LF Pyrenidium hetairizans
7042 Pyreniococcus exoriens (Stirt.) Wheldon & A. Wilson No Phaeospora exoriens 2140 NE NR LF
7043 Pyrenocarpon flotowianum (Hepp) Trevis. No Pyrenocarpon thelostomum 1813 DD NR
7044 Pyrenocarpon thelostomum (Ach. ex J. Harriman) Coppins & Aptroot (2008) Yes Pyrenocarpon thelostomum Thrombium thelostomum
Pyrenocarpon flotowianum
1813 DD NR Pyrenocarpon thelostomum
7045 Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae Diederich (1990) Yes Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae 2672 parasitic on Xanthoria parietina NE NR LF
7046 Pyrenocollema arenisedum (A.L. Sm.) Coppins No Collemopsidium arenisedum 1889 NT NR IR
7047 Pyrenocollema argilospilum (Nyl.) Coppins No Collemopsidium argilospilum 77 DD NR IR
7048 Pyrenocollema bryospilum (Nyl.) Coppins ex H.F. Fox No Frigidopyrenia bryospila 78 DD NR
7049 Pyrenocollema caesium (Nyl.) R.C. Harris No Collemopsidium caesium 79 NT NR Sc
7050 Pyrenocollema elegans R. Sant. No Collemopsidium elegans 83 LC NS