
Photo Competition Winners
Congratulations to our three photo competition winners: Bob Kemp, Judith Allinson and Chris Cant.
This year, entries for the 2025 AGM Photo Competition were shared online with all members and also with all guests who had booked to attend any of the AGM weekend events. An online voting system was put in place.
Eighty-three people voted for their favourites.
Bob’s photo Just Beautiful (number A15) won the ‘Close encounter’ class with 18% of the votes.
Are you progressing beyond the "Beginner stage" ? Have you completed a LABs zoom course or equivalent?
Then you may be interested in the LEAF 1 course being delivered in N. Wales in Oct. 2025. For details please look at the BLS events page. The extended deadline is 18th Feb.
A new online group is starting soon with the first meeting planned for the evening of Tues 21st January 2025 and monthly thereafter. It's for anyone who's been looking at lichens for a while and is familiar with the basics of lichen ID (ie an experienced beginner or perhaps early intermediate), but wants to move on to the next level. It's described as an informal self-learning support forum where there will be a few more experienced lichenologists who can offer advice. It's not a tutorial but there might be the occasional talk.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are now unable to print out photos for this competition for display at the BLS AGM. Instead, we aim to share an online folder with all entrants, AGM attendees, and BLS members to showcase the photos and to facilitate online voting.
The course should appeal to you if you have had an interest in looking at and identifying lichens for a while, can identify some of these using the basic toolkit of handlens and chemicals such as K and C, and Dobson’s field guides, and now wish to improve your skills.