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Items welcome: upcoming events, news and images! Send items to Raymond Griffiths


Three assistant professors required at Duke University, North Carolina, USA.

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So you have had an interest in looking and identifying lichens for a while, can identify some of these using the basic toolkit of handlens and chemicals such as K and C, and Dobson’s field guides, and now wish to improve your skills? Do you want to learn the essentials of microscopy for lichen identification and need hands-on experience and advice?  Would you like an introduction to  Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland Flora and keys? Would you like to improve your ID skills by acquiring a deeper sense of which lichens are found where, and what sort of communities and associations they form a part of?

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The lichens
The BLS have a number of interesting second hand books for sale.

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photo of both sides
A NEW BLS FLYER IS AVAILABLE - The Learn about lichens flyer outlines the wide range of learning opportunities offered by the British Lichen Society.  If you would like copies to distribute to a local lichen group or to hand out at an event, please contact Eluned

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Intermediate level 1 lichen course ( LEAF 1. Nettlecombe 30th May -2nd June 2025) Event Type Training event Start date: Friday 30th May 2025- 10:00 am End date: Monday 2nd June 2025- 16:00pm Event Description: Intermediate level 1 Lichen course (LEAF-1)

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Group photo at the Mirador de la Pena, Poblet, near World Heritage Site Monastery which was visited in the heat of the afternoon.

The joint meeting of the British Lichen Society with BrioLi-ICHN in Catalonia 28 July- 3 August 2024 was a great success, with the British contingent introduced to an astonishing range of species in habitats ranging from Mediterranean holm oak forest, to ski-station summit, to gypsum desert, to rocky mountainside. The Catalan team, led by Maria José Chesa and Antonio Gómez-Bolea, shared their knowledge of the lichens, botany, geology and culture that make this such a wonderful place to visit.

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Work on the latest version of Lichens of Great Britian and Ireland is continuing but it will still be a while before we have access to an up to date key to the genera of British and Irish lichens. Since LGBI2 has become extremely difficult to buy secondhand, the key to genera from this volume is now available as a downloadable pdf on the Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland webpage:

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aquatic lichens course
The BLS Aquatic Lichens meeting was held in Cumbria, from 27th May to 1st June, with local leader Pete Martin and tuition from John Douglass, Andy Acton and Holger Thues.

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plantlife logo
Plantlife are advertising three posts that would suit persons with an interest in lichens. A Rainforest Adviser based in Wales, a Rainforest Adviser based in Northwest England and a Rainforest Programme Manager. Further details can be found on the Plantlife website at:

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cover of new publication
A new edition of the Lichenicolous fungi occurring on Xanthoria parietina in the United Kingdom is now available. This has been expanded with four new lichenicolous fungi accounts, and a page on Xanthoria pycnidia to prevent confusion.

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