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Items welcome: upcoming events, news and images! Send items to Raymond Griffiths


Our next AGM will be held on the morning of Saturday 26th January 2019, at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. As usual we are making a weekend of it, so this will be preceded by a reception and the Swinscow lecture on the Friday evening, and then followed by a series of short talks on the Saturday afternoon and an excursion to Painswick Park on the Sunday. Members and friends are welcome to join us for any or all of this meeting.

Details of the venue and programme can be downloaded below, together with a catalogue for the book sale on the Friday evening.

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The BLS is now considering changing its status to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This will be discussed at the next AGM, in January 2019, and the proposed new Constitution and Standing Orders can now be downloaded from the Constitution page of this website. Any comments should be sent to the President, Paul Cannon, and we would be grateful if this could be done well before the AGM to give us time to look into them.

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Lichens. An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species

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We have recently updated the materials we make available to schools, students and other individuals who want to learn more about lichens or do projects based on lichens.These can be found in the Learning Zone, under Resources on the BLS website.

Information on lichen biology, symbiosis, and how to identify lichens is in the About Lichens section of the website.

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The BLS twitter acount (@BLSlichens) was launched in November 2017 and already has more than 1000 followers. We also have a new Facebook account (@BLSlichensF).

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The BLS held it's 2018 AGM in Carlisle, at the Tullie House museum. It was well attended and followed by some excellent talks.

At the meeting Allan Pentecost stood down as President at the end of his two year term, to be replaced by Paul Cannon. Becky Yahr became the new Vice President, and Eluned Smith took on the role of Secretary. 

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The Plantlife Cymru Lichen Apprenticeship Scheme ‘CENNAD’ is open to all, through application in March 2016; with training events running April 2016- March 2018. The learning focus will be on epiphytic lichens, particularly species associated with Atlantic woodlands and way-side trees.

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Some useful additions have recently been made to the Downloads section of this website, including a new set of Corrections to the "Flora" produced by Mark Powell, and the Identification Difficulties list used by iRecord and the NBN Record Cleaner. There are also now Lists of the Taxa recorded for England, Scotland and Wales, and for each vice county.

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The Lichens of Jersey, by Simon and Amanda Davey, was published by the Société Jersiaise in November 2015 and can now be obtained from Tilia Publishing. More than a flora, this book looks at the habitats and history of the study of lichens on this beautiful island, as well as including a fully illu

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The BLS has made available £10,000 to help its members attend IAL8. We envisage making 25-30 awards in the region of £300-£460 each. Applicants must be BLS members when the application is submitted.

Applications should be sent to Heidi Döring (on ) before 15 March 2016. It is hoped that results will be announced by mid of April.

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