The Caring for God's Acre project have just published a fabulous resource for schools to encourage them to get classes out exploring their local churchyards as part of their schoolwork.
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and British Lichen Society have made available a toolkit in which lichenologists can explore the consequences of climate change at a site-scale, for 382 lichen epiphyte species. A value of ‘environmental suitability’ can be compared for individual species, or across an assemblage of epiphytes, between the present-day and the 2050s and 2080s based on Met Office climate models.
The BLS symposium on New Developments in Lichenology, held at Nottingham University on 10-11th January 2014, was a great success. A wide range of topics were covered, grouped into three main themes: Systematics, Ecophysiology, Communities and Environmental Quality. Key note presentations for these were given by Mats Wedin, Markus Hauck and Chris Ellis. Altogether 22 papers and 19 posters were presented.
Calke Park will never be the same again. Following the BLS AGM and Symposium held at Nottingham University a visit was made to Calke Park (National Trust) by a contingent of members and guests, many from overseas. This National Nature Reserve was designated because of its high number of veteran trees. The trees themselves, the associated deadwood and the walls of the adjacent old buildings entertained the 38 attendees throughout this cool but dry winters day as an impressive record of the lichens was assembled.
Frank Dobson (author of the popular and well-respected "Lichens - An Illustrated Guide") has recently published a new "Field Key to Lichens on Trees". This book contains colour photographs and illustrated keys. These keys use only characters that are visible in the field, by eye, or under a x10 hand lens. This combination enables the user to identify over 500 species of lichens which are likely to be found on trees.
This joint meeting with the British Lichen Society, British Mycological Society and the Linnean Society is due to take place on 17 October 2013 and will comprise:
This is due to take place at the University of Nottingham, UK, on 10 and 11 January 2014. The theme is to be "New developments in lichenology: systematics,ecology, and use as indicators of envrironmental quality".
More details are given on our Events Calendar page.
Wales is home to a large number of abandoned lead, copper and zinc mines and many of these are of exceptional importance for their metallophyte lichen flora.
New! OPAL guides to lichens (and mosses) in orchards in the East of England. Congratulations to Mark Powell and the East of England team.
Click link to download
One of Wales’ most important sites for lichens of ancient parkland and pasture woodland habitats will be designated a National Nature Reserve on 6th March 2013. Gregynog estate in Montgomeryshire is home to such rarities as Lecanora sublivescens (known worldwide from only the UK and Sweden); the UK endemic Entergrapha sorediata here at it's only site in Wales.