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Mature ash (Fraxinea excelsior) treeThe implications for lichens of the spread of Chalara Dieback of Ash, a disease of ash trees caused by the fungus Chalara fraxinea, could be very serious. Ash is one of our most common trees, both in woodlands and as isolated trees in fields and hedgerows.

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After a year of planning and development, the new BLS website was launched on 30th September 2012. As well as information on the Society and our publications, it also includes many new features, such as:

  • Events, including an events diary and download.

  • What is a lichen? an overview of the lichen symbiosis aimed at students and other enquirers.

  • Habitats and conservation, for professionals in consultancy and conservation.

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This beautifully illustrated book by Sandy & Brian Coppins was published by the Atlantic Hazel Action Group in March 2012 (ISBN 978-0-9572034-0-2).

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On Tue 14 August at 09.00 and repeated at 21.30 - BBC Radio 4's The Life Scientific features Pat Wolseley discussing her work with lichens, including the OPAL project. Contributions also from  Begona Aguirre-Hudson, Peter Crittenden, and girls from La Sainte Union School, Camden.


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Janet Simkin, BLS Database manager, has released a new version (6.0) of the General Recording spreadsheet. You can download it from the Recording and Mapping Downloads page.



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The law in the UK on carrying knives has been tightened in recent years and the police have increased their vigilance in response to recent well-publicized instances of serious crime involving these weapons.The  BLS has issued revised guidance on this issue to provide clarification to members concerned  over the possible illegality of carrying knives to collect samples in the field.

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