This is due to take place at the University of Nottingham, UK, on 10 and 11 January 2014. The theme is to be "New developments in lichenology: systematics,ecology, and use as indicators of envrironmental quality".
More details are given on our Events Calendar page.
Wales is home to a large number of abandoned lead, copper and zinc mines and many of these are of exceptional importance for their metallophyte lichen flora.
New! OPAL guides to lichens (and mosses) in orchards in the East of England. Congratulations to Mark Powell and the East of England team.
Click link to download
One of Wales’ most important sites for lichens of ancient parkland and pasture woodland habitats will be designated a National Nature Reserve on 6th March 2013. Gregynog estate in Montgomeryshire is home to such rarities as Lecanora sublivescens (known worldwide from only the UK and Sweden); the UK endemic Entergrapha sorediata here at it's only site in Wales.
Lichenologist Sally Eaton makes her debut as a TV presenter in a new series on Channel 4 called Wild Things, with fellow presenters botanist Trevor Dines and landscape gardener Chris Myers.
A flurry of new locations for Usnea articulata in South Wales suggests this species may be making a spectacular comeback. More details on the Wales Lichens website.
The implications for lichens of the spread of Chalara Dieback of Ash, a disease of ash trees caused by the fungus Chalara fraxinea, could be very serious. Ash is one of our most common trees, both in woodlands and as isolated trees in fields and hedgerows.
After a year of planning and development, the new BLS website was launched on 30th September 2012. As well as information on the Society and our publications, it also includes many new features, such as:
Events, including an events diary and download.
What is a lichen? an overview of the lichen symbiosis aimed at students and other enquirers.
Habitats and conservation, for professionals in consultancy and conservation.
This beautifully illustrated book by Sandy & Brian Coppins was published by the Atlantic Hazel Action Group in March 2012 (ISBN 978-0-9572034-0-2).