Get involved to help lichens in the new Local Nature Recovery Strategies for England - establishing priorities and actions for recovering habitats and species and providing wider environmental benefits.
The BLS has objected to the proposed Earba 1,800MW Pumped Storage Hydro Scheme in the Scottish Grampian hills.
There are lichen assemblages of international/national importance in the area.
The BLS has objected to proposed mountain bike trails in Mwyngloddfa Nantymwyn SSSI as this is a nationally important site for metallophytes lichens.
The BLS has submitted an objection to the proposed pump storage scheme at Loch Kemp on the south side of Loch Ness.
The development will damaged exceptionally lichen rich old growth woodland contained within the Ness Woods Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
The second application for a golf course on the internationally important lichen site at Coul Links has been called in by the Scottish Government after permission was given by Highland Council, giving hope that this application might still be turned down.
Natural Resources Wales has provisionally notified a large SSSI between Machynlleth and Dolgellau citing 13 individual lichen species, many more lichen species than any previous SSSI citation in Britain.
Ocellomma picconianum is an internationally scarce lichen of dry bark on trees, typical of humid Mediterranean woodlands. Remarkably in April, David Hill, Juliet Bailey and Jo Corke, found this lichen on shaded dry bark on an old Willow in a hedge on the Severn plain.
The BLS has responded to a Scottish Forestry consultation on the future of forestry grants in Scotland Future Grant Support for Forestry.
The BLS has lodged an objection to the new proposal for a golf course at Coul Links, Scotland. The BLS has also joined the Coul Links Conservation Coalition to coordinate responses to the planning application.
A Natural England report on Ash Dieback and mitigation options of rare lichens has been published
Rainforests and oceanic woodland: a BLS information note describing our international important Atlantic woodland
BLS response to the 2019 planning proposal for a golf course on the lichen-rich dunes at Coul Links in SE Sutherland
BLS responses to consultations on the NatureScot assessments of environmental effects of beaver translocations
Pseudocyphellaria citrina (Pseudocyphellaria crocata, Yellow Specklebelly) has been refound in England at the Dizzard, East Cornwall.