Developers submitted a proposal for a golf course which was refused by Scottish Ministers in February 2020. A second planning application was submitted in 2023, this time for two golf courses. More details can be seen at Not Coul, a campaign group opposing proposed golf development within protected land at Coul Links
The developers site can be viewed at
BLS objection to first proposal
The documents attached below are the objection and evidence given by the BLS and Dr Brian Coppins on the proposal to construct a golf course at Coul Links, South-East Sutherland, which went to a Public Local Inquiry in 2019. The BLS objected to this proposal on the grounds of evidence which showed Coul Links to be an integral part of the richest coastal sand dune site for lichens in Britain, with a nationally important population of the endangered lichen Peltigera malacea. There are also three other Red Listed species with all four also being Scottish Biodiversity List species, along with many Notable species. Planning permission was refused by Scottish Ministers in February 2020, with a significant adverse effect on the lichen assemblage listed among the reasons for refusal. An article on the BLS submission is in the Winter 2018 edition of The Bulletin.
January 2023
BLS Letter of objection, May 2023
The new planning application for a golf course at Coul Links has now been made to The Highland Council (link to Highland Council Planning) and the BLS has lodged an objection - PDF download.
The BLS has also joined the Coul Links Conservation Coalition to coordinate responses to the planning application.
A location at Coul Links for Leptogium palmatum, Massalongia carnosa and Moelleropsis nebulosa, Brian Coppins