BLS Shop

The Society publishes a twice-yearly Bulletin and a refereed journal, The Lichenologist.

How to purchase an item

  1. Email Eluned at to inform her what you wish to buy and the address for delivery. You should receive a confirmatory email. She will confirm the postage amount due.
  2. Payment: Once you know the total including P&P, there are two options:
    1. Bank transfer to British Lichen Society, sort code 40-52-40, account no. 00012363. Label your payment ‘pub purchase’
    2. By cheque, payable to ‘British Lichen Society’ (not ‘BLS’), sending it to E.H. Smith FLS, Tutnall House, Claines Lane, Worcester, WR3 7RN

Lichens – An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species

Lichens – An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species cover
Frank S. Dobson (7th edition 2018, reprint). 520pp.

This edition of this popular book provides an invaluable guide to identifying the British and Irish species, both for the beginner and the more advanced lichenologist. Originally published by Richmond Press but being made available as a reprint by the BLS.

With detailed air pollution references and distribution maps, it offers the environmentalist and ecologist a concise work of reference, compact enough to be used in the field. The 7th edition conforms with the nomenclature of ‘Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland’ (LGBI) ed. Smith, C. W. et al (2009) and more recent changes. Over 1,000 species are treated.

This edition includes many species not currently in Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland and a section by Mark Powell on lichenicolous fungi on Physcia and Xanthoria.

Entries consist of a description of each species, a photograph, notes on habitat, chemical tests and line drawings of microscopic and other diagnostic features. Help is also provided in separating similar species.

The popular generic lateral key has been retained and enlarged together with a section on sterile species. A generic synopsis is included to assist the more experienced lichenologist.

Price: Retail price: £30. Members only price: £25.

Postage & packing: £4.50 UK

A Field Guide to Lichens on Trees

A Field Guide to Lichens on Trees
Frank S. Dobson (2013)

This key to Lichens on Trees provides a dichotomous key to lichens commonly found in lowland areas of the UK on stone, worked wood, mortar, moss and soil. The key concentrates on characters that can be observed with a hand lens. 

Originally published by Richmond press, the main text is now being released as a pdf through the generosity of Frank Dobson’s daughter.

There have been many lichen name changes since the text was written in 2013. The Update Notes given here allow a quick look-up for current names and also provide some notes on the interpretation of species. Lists of additional lichens that could now be included are given.

The original book contained a series of colour plates showing a relatively small selection of the lichens covered. Unfortunately, these cannot be made available at this time.


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A Field Key to Common Churchyard Lichens

A Field Key to Common Churchyard Lichens
Frank S. Dobson (2013)

This key to Common Churchyard Lichens provides a dichotomous key to lichens commonly found in lowland areas of the UK on stone, worked wood, mortar, moss and soil. The key concentrates on characters that can be observed with a hand lens. 

Originally published by Richmond press, the main text is now being released as a pdf through the generosity of Frank Dobson’s daughter.

There have been many lichen name changes since the text was written in 2013. The Update Notes given here allow a quick look-up for current names and also provide some notes on the interpretation of species. A list of additional lichens found in more northern churchyards is also given.

The original book contained a series of colour plates showing a relatively small selection of the lichens covered. Unfortunately, these cannot be made available at this time


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A Field Key to Coastal and Seashore Lichens

 A Field Key to Coastal and Seashore Lichens
Frank S. Dobson (2014)

This key to Coastal and Seashore Lichens provides a dichotomous key to lichens found around the coast and on the shores of the UK. The key concentrates on characters that can be observed with a hand lens. 

Originally published by Richmond press, the main text is now being released as a pdf through the generosity of Frank Dobson’s daughter.

There have been many lichen name changes since the text was written in 2014. The Update Notes given here allow a quick look-up for current names and also provide some notes on the interpretation of species. The Update Notes also includes a list of additional lichens which were not included in the key, many of these are mainly found in more northern areas.

The original book contained a series of colour plates showing a relatively small selection of the lichens covered. Unfortunately, these cannot be made available at this time.


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The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland

The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland cover
Ed. Smith et al. (2009). Hardback, 700pp.

This flora is now being replaced by The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland edition 3 which is being published on a family by family basis as an ongoing series of free-to-access pdf publications. These can be downloaded from the BLS website.


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Understanding Lichens

Understanding Lichens cover
George Baron (1999). paperback, 92pp.

An excellent introduction to lichenology, from the basic biology of lichens to their environmental importance and the history of the science.

This book is sent out free to new BLS members in their Welcome Pack from the RSB.

Price: £1.50

Postage & packing: £1.50 UK

Wall Chart - Lichens on Trees

Wall Chart - Lichens on Trees
Claire Dalby (2010)

A beautifully illustrated wall chart produced by artist Claire Dalby.  A1 size (80cm wide x 60cm high) and features over 40 species in colour, nomenclature updated to 2010. 

Notes to accompany this poster are supplied. The notes can also be downloaded here.

Price: £2.50

Postage & packing: Up to 6 posters can be rolled into a strong cardboard tube costing £1.50. Postage varies according to weight of tube, starting from £5. Can be combined with the Rocky Seashores poster.

Wall Chart - Lichens of Rocky Seashores

Wall Chart - Lichens of Rocky Seashores
Claire Dalby (2010)

A beautifully illustrated wall chart produced by artist Claire Dalby.  A1 size (80cm wide x 60cm high) and features over 40 species in colour, nomenclature updated to 2010. 

Price: £2.50

Postage & packing: Up to 6 posters can be rolled into a strong cardboard tube costing £1.50. Postage varies according to weight of tube, starting from £5. Can be combined with the Trees poster.

Atlantic Hazel : Scotland's Special Woodlands

Atlantic Hazel : Scotland's Special Woodlands
Sandy and Brian Coppins

This beautifully illustrated book by Sandy & Brian Coppins was published by the Atlantic Hazel Action Group in March 2012 (ISBN 978-0-9572034-0-2).

The Atlantic hazelwoods of Scotland, parts of western Ireland and possibly a few isolated valleys in Wales, are some of our most ancient woodlands, older by far than the Atlantic oakwoods of Scotland and older than some of the Caledonian pinewoods. This book aims to change the way people think about hazel and in particular the hazel woods along the Atlantic seaboard.

Price: £5.50 + P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

Microchemical Methods for the Identification of Lichens

Microchemical Methods for the Identification of Lichens cover
A. Orange (2010). 2nd edition, with two colour plates

No longer in print.  2nd edition, with two colour plates. Full of useful information on pigments, crystals, colour tests with reagents and TLC.

Available as a download - 102 pages 8MB PDF


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Somerset Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi

Somerset Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi cover
Pat A Wolseley, Brian J Coppins, AM Coppins. (2020) 77pp.

An up-to-date county lichen flora, packed with interesting notes and observations. Of interest to anyone involved in lichen recording in the UK.

Price: £5.00

Postage & packing: £3.50: UK

Usnea "Aide Memoire"

Usnea Aide Memoire cover
P.W. James (2003)

An A5 booklet with drawings and many useful tips for identifying the British species of this difficult genus.


Price: £1.00

Postage & packing: £1.50 UK

Greetings Cards/Notelets

Greetings Cards/Notelets
Claire Dalby

A set of five cards with envelopes, featuring five exquisite pen and ink illustrations of British lichens.

Price: £2.50 per set of 5 cards

Postage & packing: £2.00 UK.

Circular fabric badge

Circular fabric badge

Diameter 2.5cm, pin fixing, matt finish. A well-made attractive badge

Price: £1.00

Postage & packing: £1.50 UK

BLS metal pin badge

BLS metal pin badge

1" diameter metal pin badge

Price: £1 each or 5 for £3.00

Postage & packing: £1.50 UK

Synopsis Methodica Lichenum

Synopsis Methodica Lichenum
E. Acharius, 1977

This hardback book, all in Latin, is a facsimile of the 1814 edition written by Acharius who was a pupil of Linnaeus. It has an introduction by D. L. Hawksworth. 

Price: £1.00

Postage & packing: £2.00 UK

The Vanishing Lichens

The Vanishing Lichens
Richardson, David, hardback, 231pp

Second hand books that are duplicates of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £15+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

A Monograph of the British Lichens

A Monograph of the British Lichens
Annie Lorrain Smith (1926). Part II, hardback

Second hand books that are duplicates of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £15+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask


Annie Lorrain Smith (1921) hardback

With new introductory matter& supplementary index by David Hawksworth. 

Published by Richmond Publishing company in 1975.

Second hand book that is a duplicate of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £75+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

Handbook of British Lichens

Handbook of British Lichens
Annie Lorrain Smith (1921) hardback, 158pp.

Second hand book that is a duplicate of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £30+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

Lichens As bioindicators of Air Quality

Lichens As bioindicators of Air Quality
USDA Forest Service General Technical Report March (1993) paperback, 131pp.

Second hand book that is a duplicate of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £5+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

Introduction to British Lichens

Introduction to British Lichens
Ursula Duncan, assisted by Peter James (1970) 104pp.

Second hand book that is a duplicate of one held in the BLS Library.

Price: £20+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

The Lichen Flora of Devon

The Lichen Flora of Devon
Barbara Benfield (2001) paperback, 103 pp.

Second hand books

Price: £6+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

Common British Lichens

Common British Lichens
Frank S. Dobson 31pp

Second hand book.

Price: £5+P&P

Postage & packing: Please ask

An illustrated introduction to the Larger Fungi of North Cyprus

An illustrated introduction to the Larger Fungi of North Cyprus
D. E. Viney (302 pages, paperback) 2005

The first comprehensive and fully illustrated introduction to the Larger Fungi of Northern Cyprus. More than 200 species are described, with brief indications as to the edibility or practical use of some of the species. The book contains keys to the families, genera and species, as well as locations.

Price: £2.00

Postage & packing: Please ask