Unpublished "Grey" Literature

This page contains links to catalogues of unpublished "grey" literature etc. relating to lichens. These catalogues were maintained by Dr Brian Coppins, they are now being updated by April Windle and a much extended list is expected in 2023.

Contributors include:

Dr H.J.M. Bowen, Dr B.J. Coppins, Mrs A.M. Coppins (formerly A.M. O'Dare), Mr S.R. Davey, Mr B. Edwards, Dr A.M. Fryday, Mr V.J. Giavarini, Dr O.L. Gilbert, Mr R. Jarman, Mr A. Orange, Mr P.W. James, Dr F. Rose, Mr N. A. Sanderson, Dr. M. Senior, Dr M.J. Simms, Dr J. Simkin, Mr L. Street & Mrs S. Street, and Mrs P.A. Wolseley


Background Information

A considerable amount of lichen survey and monitoring work is carried out, but the documentation is rarely published, except perhaps in a very summarized form. The original documentation sometimes contains extensive detail in the form of raw data, such as species lists, site descriptions, individual tree descriptions, quadrat data and photographs, as well as site assessments, application of indices of ecological continuity and management recommendations. These are invaluable for comparisons with other similar sites, and for lichenologists re-visiting the same sites in later years. The documents may also contain detailed information on the occurrence and ecology of 'priority species' (e.g. Red Data and Biodiversity Action Plan species), and some have been prepared especially for such purposes (so-called 'Species Dossiers').

Whereas published papers are catalogued in bibliographies published in print or on web sites, there is no such facility for unpublished reports ('grey literature'). However, many reports and other manuscripts on British lichens prepared up until 1975 were catalogued by D.L. Hawksworth and M.R.D. Seaward in their Lichenology in the British Isles 1568-1975, published by Richmond Publishing in 1977. Unfortunately, since then there has been no centralized register of unpublished reports, and there is a great danger that many of these invaluable documents will be effectively 'lost', even if they physically survive in filing cabinets or archives! This problem has been raised many times at meetings of the BLS Conservation Committee.

In order to begin a redress of this problem, for the benefit of lichenologists and conservation bodies, Sandy and Brian Coppins prepared an annotated list of their own unpublished reports for various governmental and non-governmental agencies. Since then additional contributions have been incorporated (see above list of contributors), but the list now needs to be updated again. Lichenologists working in Britain and Ireland are invited to add to this list, so that a near comprehensive catalogue of such works will be available to all. 

Many of these reports have been prepared under contract involving clauses of confidentiality or copyright. Therefore, access to these reports must be through the commissioning bodies.

To add to the list, please prepare your entries in the same format and email to the BLS Secretary on secretary@britishlichensociety.org.uk  For Scottish entries, please submit via this online form.