Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
1231 Buellia violaceofusca G. Thor & Muhr (1991) Yes Buellia violaceofusca 1745 NT NR P Eng Sc IR Buellia violaceofusca
1232 Buellia wahlenbergii (Ach.) Sheard (1964) No Catolechia wahlenbergii 325 VU D1 NR Sc S8
1233 Buelliella physciicola Poelt & Hafellner (1979) Yes Buelliella physciicola 2022 LC NS LF Buelliella physciicola
1234 Bunodophoron melanocarpum (Sw.) Wedin (1995) Yes Bunodophoron melanocarpum Sphaerophorus melanocarpus 1334 LC Bunodophoron melanocarpum
1235 Burgellopsis nivea Diederich & Lawrey (2014) Yes Burgellopsis nivea 2643 considered to be faculatively lichenicolous NE LF
1236 Burgoa angulosa Diederich, Lawrey & Etayo (2007) Yes Burgoa angulosa 2644 considered to be faculatively lichenicolous NE LF Burgoa angulosa
1237 Burgoa moriformis Diederich, Ertz & Coppins (2017) Yes Burgoa moriformis 2824 facutatively lichenicolous NE NR LF
1238 Burgoa splendens Diederich & Coppins (2007) Yes Burgoa splendens 2645 considered to be faculatively lichenicolous NE LF Burgoa splendens
1239 Byssoloma diederichii Sérus. (1998) Yes Byssoloma diederichii 2497 LC NR Byssoloma diederichii
1240 Byssoloma leucoblepharum (Nyl.) Vain. (1926) Yes Byssoloma leucoblepharum 1858 Most if not all British records are referable to B. maderense NT NR Byssoloma leucoblepharum
1241 Byssoloma llimonae Sérus., Gómex-Bolea, Longán & Lücking (2002) Yes Byssoloma llimonae Fellhanera christiansenii auct. brit. 2472 NE NR Byssoloma llimonae
1242 Byssoloma maderense Breuss (2014) Yes Byssoloma maderense Byssoloma leucoblepharum auct. p.p. 2791 Most British records of B. leucoblepharum probably belong here NE NR
1243 Byssoloma marginatum (Arnold) Sérus. (1992) Yes Byssoloma marginatum 1557 LC NS Byssoloma marginatum
1244 Byssoloma rotuliforme (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant.. (1952) No Byssoloma subdiscordans 221 NT NR
1245 Byssoloma subdiscordans (Nyl.) P. James (1971) Yes Byssoloma subdiscordans Byssoloma rotuliforme 221 NT NR Byssoloma subdiscordans
1246 Byssus botryoides L. (1753) No Lichenomphalia ericetorum 931 LC
1247 Byssus candelaris L. (1753) No Chrysothrix candelaris 354 LC
1248 Byssus incana L. (1753) No Lepraria incana 820
1249 Caeruleum heppii (Nägeli ex Körb.) K. Knudsen & Arcadia (2012) Yes Caeruleum heppii Acarospora heppii; Myriospora heppii 13 LC NS Caeruleum heppii
1250 Calicium abietinum auct. brit. p.p. No Calicium glaucellum 225 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC
1251 Calicium abietinum Pers. (1797) Yes Calicium abietinum 222 Most records refer to C. glaucellum DD ?
1252 Calicium abietinum No 1980 BLS number no longer used Calicium abietinum
1253 Calicium aciculare auct. brit., No Chaenotheca hispidula 345 LC NS
1254 Calicium adspersum Pers. (1798) Yes Calicium adspersum Calicium roscidum 223 CR D NR P Eng Wa Calicium adspersum
1255 Calicium aeruginosum auct. p.p. No Chaenotheca stemonea 348 LC NS
1256 Calicium aeruginosum Turner ex Sm. No Chaenotheca trichialis 349 LC
1257 Calicium aeruginosum subsp. caerulescens Turner & Borrer No Chaenotheca trichialis 349 LC
1258 Calicium amylocaule Lettau No Calicium lenticulare 229 LC NS Sc IR
1259 Calicium arenarium (Hampe ex A. Massal.) Hampe ex Körb. No Microcalicium arenarium 1951 LC NR LF
1260 Calicium brunneolum Ach. (1816) No Chaenotheca brunneola 341 LC