Burgoa moriformis


Burgoa moriformis

Diederich, Ertz & Coppins (2017)
Conservation Status
NE NR (Key)
BLS Number
facutatively lichenicolous
Taxon Photo
General Description

A basidiomycete fungus characterised by small, white, shiny bulbils entirely composed of subspherical, ballooned cells. Similar to Burgoa angulosa but B. moriformis bulbils are  are smaller (35–65 μm diam) and an agglomeration of hyaline, subspherical, ballooned, smooth cells while those of B. angulosa are arger (100–250 μm diam.) and internally composed of elongate, straight or curved, rarely ramified, septate hyphae. Known from thalli and apothecia of corticolous Lecanora, Physcia, Xanthoria and unidentified dead lichens, also invading neighbouring thalli, bark or liverworts. Rarely recorded but probably widespread. Typically infected thalli of Physcia are dying, suggesting a virulent parasite on this host genus, while thalli of Xanthoria covered by bulbils are in good health. See link.

Key to map date classes

Diederich, P., A. M. Millanes, M. Wedin & J. D. Lawrey. 2022. Flora of Lichenicolous Fungi, Vol. 1, Basidio­ mycota. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg, 351 pp. Link

Text by Neil A Sanderson based on  Diederich et al (2022)