Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5641 Omphalina griseopallida No 933 BLS number no longer used
5642 Omphalina hudsoniana (H.S. Jenn.) H.E. Bigelow No Lichenomphalia hudsoniana 934
5643 Omphalina luteolilacina (J. Favre) D.M. Hend. (1958) No Lichenomphalia hudsoniana 934
5644 Omphalina luteovitellina (Pilát & Nannf.) M. Lange No Lichenomphalia alpina 935 LC
5645 Omphalina pararustica Clémençon No Lichenomphalia velutina 932 LC ?
5646 Omphalina pararustica No 1782 BLS number no longer used
5647 Omphalina peltigerina (Peck) P. Collin No Arrhenia peltigerina 913 NE NR LF
5648 Omphalina pseudoandrosacea No 1783 BLS number no longer used
5649 Omphalina pseudoandrosacea (Bull.) M.M. Moser (1967) No Lichenomphalia ericetorum 931 LC
5650 Omphalina umbellifera auct. p.p. non (L. :Fr.) Quél. No Lichenomphalia ericetorum 931 LC
5651 Omphalina velutina (Quél.) Quél. No Lichenomphalia velutina 932 LC ?
5652 Opegrapha abscondita Th. Fr. No Lecanographa abscondita 593 LC NS
5653 Opegrapha actophila Nyl. No Opegrapha areniseda 937 LC NS Sc
5654 Opegrapha amphotera Nyl. No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
5655 Opegrapha anomala Leighton (1857) No Allographa anomala 531 LC NS Sc IR
5656 Opegrapha anomea Nyl. (1857) Yes Opegrapha anomea 2477 DD NR LF Opegrapha anomea
5657 Opegrapha areniseda Nyl. (1875) Yes Opegrapha areniseda Opegrapha actophila 937 LC NS Sc Opegrapha areniseda
5658 Opegrapha arthoniicola in ed. Coppins & S.Y. Kondr. in ed. Yes Opegrapha arthoniicola in ed. 1994 ; unpublished name LC NS LF Opegrapha arthoniicola in ed.
5659 Opegrapha atra Pers. (1794) No Arthonia atra 938 LC
5660 Opegrapha atra f. tenuior Nyl. ex Leight. (1854) No Arthonia atra 938 LC
5661 Opegrapha atra var. arthonioidea Leight. (1861) No Arthonia atra 938 LC
5662 Opegrapha atra var. denigrata (Ach.) Schaer. (1823) No Arthonia atra 938 LC
5663 Opegrapha atra var. nigrata Leight. ex Mudd (1861) No arthonia atra 938 LC
5664 Opegrapha atra var. obscura sensu Leight. (1854), non (Pers.) Schaer. No Arthonia radiata 69 LC
5665 Opegrapha atra var. parallela Leight. ex Mudd (1861) No Arthonia atra 938 LC
5666 Opegrapha atricolor Stirt. (1876) No Alyxoria ochrocheila 954 LC
5667 Opegrapha atrula Nyl. (1877) No Arthonia calcarea 959 LC
5668 Opegrapha betulina Sm. (1811), non Pers. No Alyxoria culmigena 948 LC
5669 Opegrapha brevis Coppins (1987) Yes Opegrapha brevis 1841 NT NR Sc IR LF Opegrapha brevis
5670 Opegrapha calcarea Turner ex Sm. (1807) No Arthonia calcarea 959 LC