Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5761 Opegrapha subsiderella (Nyl.) Arnold No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
5762 Opegrapha sulcata Moug. & Nestl. ex DC. No Graphis elegans 532 LC
5763 Opegrapha thelotrematis Coppins (1984) Yes Opegrapha thelotrematis 1844 LC NS Sc IR LF Opegrapha thelotrematis
5764 Opegrapha trochodes Coppins, F. Berger & Ertz (2008) Yes Opegrapha trochodes 2510 NT NR
5765 Opegrapha trochodes No 1213 BLS number no longer used Opegrapha trochodes
5766 Opegrapha turneri Leight. (1854) No Alyxoria culmigena 948 LC
5767 Opegrapha varia Pers. (1794) No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5768 Opegrapha varia f. pulicaris auct. No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5769 Opegrapha varia var. notha (Ach.) Fr. (1831) No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5770 Opegrapha varia var. pulicaris auct. No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5771 Opegrapha venosa auct. brit. p.p. No Enterographa crassa 504 LC
5772 Opegrapha venosa sensu Sm. (1812), non Pers. (1811) No Enterographa elaborata 505 CR D NR P Eng S8 IR
5773 Opegrapha vermicellifera (Kunze) J.R. Laundon (1963) Yes Opegrapha vermicellifera 965 LC Opegrapha vermicellifera
5774 Opegrapha verrucariae in ed. Coppins et al. in ed. No Opegrapha opaca 2543 unpublished name LC NR LF
5775 Opegrapha viridipruinosa Coppins & Yahr (2011) No Alyxoria viridipruinosa 2441 LC NS
5776 Opegrapha viridis (Ach.) Behlen & Desberger (1835) No Zwackhia viridis 966 DD NS
5777 Opegrapha viridis f. taxicola (Leight.) Cromb. (1871) No Zwackhia prosodea 956 NT NS P Eng Wa IR
5778 Opegrapha vulgaris auct. (sphalm.) No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
5779 Opegrapha vulgata (Ach.) Ach. (1803) Yes Opegrapha vulgata Opegrapha cinerea
Opegrapha devulgata
943 LC Opegrapha vulgata
5780 Opegrapha vulgata f. steriza (Ach.) Leight. No Opegrapha lithyrga 951 LC NS
5781 Opegrapha vulgata var. siderella auct. brit. No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
5782 Opegrapha vulgata var. subsiderella Nyl. No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
5783 Opegrapha xanthodes Nyl. (1878) No Gyrographa saxigena 961 LC NS Sc IR
5784 Opegrapha xerica Torrente & Egea (1992) No Alyxoria xerica 1722 LC NS
5785 Opegrapha zonata Körb. (1855) No Enterographa zonata 967 LC
5786 Opegrapha zwackhii (A. Massal. ex Zwackh) Källsten ex Hafellner (1994) No Phacographa zwackhii 2133 NE NR Sc LF
5787 Opegrapha “sp. A" sensu D. Hawksw. (1983) No Opegrapha brevis 1841 NT NR Sc IR LF
5788 Opegrapha “sp. B" sensu D. Hawksw. (1983) No Opegrapha thelotrematis 1844 LC NS Sc IR LF
5789 Opeltia flavorubescens (Huds.) S.Y. Londr. & Hur (2020) No Caloplaca flavorubescens 254 EN A NS P Eng Sc Wa
5790 Ophiobolus peltigerae (Mont.) Sacc. No Neolamya peltigerae 2127 NE NR LF