Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5701 Opegrapha hysteriiformis Nyl. No Opegrapha cesareensis 941 LC
5702 Opegrapha involuta (Wallr.) Jatta (1900) No Zwackhia viridis 966 DD NS
5703 Opegrapha lamyi (O.J. Rich ex Nyl.) Triebel No ? Opegrapha glaucomaria {LF} LF
5704 Opegrapha lamyi (O.J. Rich. ex Nyl.) Triebel (1989) Yes Opegrapha lamyi 2131 NE ? LF
5705 Opegrapha leightonii Cromb. (1871) No Alyxoria mougeotii 952 LC NS
5706 Opegrapha lentiginosa Lyell ex Leight. No Stictographa lentiginosa 1554 NT NR P Eng Wa IR LF
5707 Opegrapha lichenoides Pers. (1794) No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5708 Opegrapha lithyrga Ach. (1810) Yes Opegrapha lithyrga 951 LC NS Opegrapha lithyrga
5709 Opegrapha lithyrgodes Nyl. No Opegrapha lithyrga 951 LC NS
5710 Opegrapha lyellii Sm. No Phaeographis lyellii 1102 NT NS IR
5711 Opegrapha lyncea (Sm.) Borrer ex Hook. No Lecanographa lyncea 600 LC Sc IR
5712 Opegrapha microscopica Sm. (1808) No Naevia punctiformis 68 LC F
5713 Opegrapha monspeliensis Nyl. (1855) No Opegrapha parasitica 1842 LC NR LF
5714 Opegrapha mougeotii A. Massal. (1853) No Alyxoria mougeotii 952 LC NS
5715 Opegrapha multipuncta Coppins & P. James (1992) No Porina multipuncta 1636 LC
5716 Opegrapha multipunctata Coppins & P. James ad int. No Porina multipuncta 1636 LC
5717 Opegrapha niveoatra (Borrer) J.R. Laundon (1963) Yes Opegrapha niveoatra Opegrapha subsiderella 953 LC Opegrapha niveoatra
5718 Opegrapha notha (Ach.) Ach. (1803) No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5719 Opegrapha nothiza Nyl. No Paralecanographa grumulosa 597 LC NS
5720 Opegrapha ochrocheila Nyl. (1865) No Alyxoria ochrocheila 954 LC
5721 Opegrapha opaca Nyl. (1853) Yes Opegrapha opaca Opegrapha verrucariae in ed. 2543 parasitic on Verrucaria LC NR LF Opegrapha opaca
5722 Opegrapha parasitica auct. p.min.p. [on Xanthoria parietina] No Phacothecium varium 1953 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC NR LF
5723 Opegrapha parasitica auct. p.max.p. pre-1995 [on endolithic Verrucariaceae] No Opegrapha rupestris 2132 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC NS LF
5724 Opegrapha parasitica (A. Massal.) H. Olivier (1906) Yes Opegrapha parasitica 1842 LC NR LF Opegrapha parasitica
5725 Opegrapha paraxanthodes Nyl. (1879) No Alyxoria paraxanthodes 955 NT NR P Sc
5726 Opegrapha persoonii (Ach.) Chevall., nom. illeg. No Opegrapha rupestris 2132 LC NS LF
5727 Opegrapha pertusariicola Coppins & P. James (1979) Yes Opegrapha pertusariicola 1843 lichenicolous on Pertusaria leioplaca LC NS Sc IR LF Opegrapha pertusariicola
5728 Opegrapha physciaria (Nyl.) D. Hawksw. & Coppins (1992) No Phacothecium varium 1953 LC NR LF
5729 Opegrapha prosiliens Stirt. (1874), non Mont. & Bosch No Alyxoria culmigena 948 LC
5730 Opegrapha prosodea Ach. (1803) No Zwackhia prosodea 956 NT NS P Eng Wa IR