Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5671 Opegrapha calcarea var. chevallieri (Leight.) H. Olivier (1902) No Arthonia calcarea 959 LC
5672 Opegrapha centrifuga A. Massal. No Opegrapha rupestris 2132 LC NS LF
5673 Opegrapha cesareensis Nyl. (1868) Yes Opegrapha cesareensis 941 LC Opegrapha cesareensis
5674 Opegrapha chevallieri Leight. (1854) No Arthonia calcarea 959 LC
5675 Opegrapha cinerea Chevall. No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
5676 Opegrapha conferta auct. brit. p.p. No Arthonia calcarea 959
5677 Opegrapha conferta Anzi, non auct. brit. No Gyrographa saxigena 961 LC NS Sc IR
5678 Opegrapha confluens auct. brit. No Arthonia calcarea 959
5679 Opegrapha confluens (Ach.) Stizenb., non auct. brit. No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
5680 Opegrapha contexta Stirt. No Pseudoschismatomma rufescens 958 LC
5681 Opegrapha corticola Coppins & P. James (1979) No Thelopsis corticola 945 LC IR
5682 Opegrapha crassa DC. No Enterographa crassa 504 LC
5683 Opegrapha culmigena Lib. (1830) No Alyxoria culmigena 948 LC
5684 Opegrapha decandollei (Stizenb.) Arnold (1884) No Arthonia calcarea 959
5685 Opegrapha demutata Nyl. (1879) Yes Opegrapha demutata 1555 LC NS Opegrapha demutata
5686 Opegrapha dendritica Ach. No Phaeographis dendritica 1100 LC Sc
5687 Opegrapha devulgata Nyl. No Opegrapha vulgata 943 LC
5688 Opegrapha diaphora (Ach.) Ach. (1803) No Alyxoria varia 964 LC
5689 Opegrapha dolomitica (Arnold) Clauzade & Cl. Roux ex Torrente & Egea (1989) Yes Opegrapha dolomitica Opegrapha saxicola auct. 960 LC NS Opegrapha dolomitica
5690 Opegrapha dubia Leight. ex Arnold No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
5691 Opegrapha elegans Borrer ex Sm. No Graphis elegans 532 LC
5692 Opegrapha fumosa Coppins & P. James (1992) Yes Opegrapha fumosa 1635 LC NS X Sc IR Opegrapha fumosa
5693 Opegrapha glaucomaria (Nyl.) Källsten ex Hafellner (1994) No Phacographa glaucomaria 1976 NT NR Sc LF
5694 Opegrapha grumulosa Dufour No Paralecanographa grumulosa 597 LC NS
5695 Opegrapha gyrocarpa Flot. (1825) No Gyrographa gyrocarpa 947 LC
5696 Opegrapha herbarum Mont. (1833) No Alyxoria culmigena 948 LC
5697 Opegrapha herpetica (Ach.) Ach. No Pseudoschismatomma rufescens 958 LC
5698 Opegrapha hochstetteri Coppins (2021) Yes Opegrapha hochstetteri 2542 parasitic on Verrucariaceae LC NR LF Opegrapha hochstetteri
5699 Opegrapha horistica (Leight.) Stein No Enterographa zonata 967 LC
5700 Opegrapha hutchinsiae (Leight.) Körb. No Enterographa hutchinsiae 506 LC