Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5551 Nephroma laevigatum Ach. (1814) Yes Nephroma laevigatum Nephroma lusitanicum 917 LC Sc L IR Nephroma laevigatum
5552 Nephroma lusitanicum Schaer. No Nephroma laevigatum 917 LC Sc L IR
5553 Nephroma parile (Ach.) Ach. (1810) Yes Nephroma parile 918 LC L Nephroma parile
5554 Nephroma resupinatum auct. brit. 19th C p.p. No Nephroma laevigatum 917 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC Sc L IR
5555 Nephroma resupinatum (L.) Ach. (1810) Yes Nephroma resupinatum 919 Ex Nephroma resupinatum
5556 Nephroma tangeriense (Maheu & A. Gillet) Zahlbr. (1932) Yes Nephroma tangeriense 1665 NT NR Sc L IR Nephroma tangeriense
5557 Nephromium laevigatum var. parile (Ach.) Nyl. No Nephroma parile 918 LC L
5558 Nephromium laevigatum var. subtomentellum Nyl. No Nephroma laevigatum 917 LC Sc L IR
5559 Nephromium lusitanicum (Schaer.) Nyl. No Nephroma laevigatum 917 LC Sc L IR
5560 Nephromium lusitanicum var. hibernicum Nyl. ex Leight. No Nephroma laevigatum 917 LC Sc L IR
5561 Nephromium resupinatum (L.) Arnold (1984) No Nephroma resupinatum 919 Ex
5562 Nephromopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Divakar, Crespo & Lumbsch (2017) No Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla 327 LC
5563 Nephromopsis nivalis (L.) Divakar, Crespo & Lumbsch (2017) No Flavocetraria nivalis 336 NT NS Sc
5564 Nesolechia associata (Th. Fr.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. No Geltingia associata 1943 LC NS LF
5565 Nesolechia cetrariicola (Linds.) Arnold No ? Phaeopyxis punctum {LF} LF
5566 Nesolechia cladoniaria (Nyl.) Arnold No ? Phaeopyxis punctum {LF} LF
5567 Nesolechia insita (Stirt.) Vouaux No Steinia geophana 1349 LC NS M*
5568 Nesolechia intumescens (Flörke) Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1905) No Lambiella insularis 736 LC NS
5569 Nesolechia lichenicola (A.L. Sm. & Ramsb.) Keissl. (1930) No Trapelia glebulosa s. str. 2713 LC
5570 Nesolechia neglecta Vain. No Rhymbocarpus neglectus 2106 NE NR LF
5571 Nesolechia nitschkei Körb. No Skyttea nitschkei 1342 LC LF
5572 Nesolechia oxyspora (Tul.) A. Massal. (1856) Yes Nesolechia oxyspora Lecidea oxyspora; Phacopsis oxyspora; Punctelia oxyspora 2139 LC LF Nesolechia oxyspora
5573 Nesolechia puncta A. Massal. [orth. error] No Bachmanniomyces punctum 1955 LC NS LF
5574 Nesolechia punctum A. Massal. No Bachmanniomyces punctum 2016 LC NS LF
5575 Nesolechia vitellinaria (Nyl.) Rehm No Carbonea vitellinaria 1880 LC NS LF
5576 Nesolechia vitellinaria var. supersparsa (Nyl.) Keissl. No Carbonea supersparsa 706 LC NS LF
5577 Nesothele hymenogonia (Nyl.) Orange (2022) Yes Nesothele hymenogonia Staurothele hymenogonia 1344 LC NS Nesothele hymenogonia
5578 Nesothele rugulosa (A. Massal.) Orange (2022) Yes Nesothele rugulosa Staurothele rugulosa 1346 NT NR Sc Nesothele rugulosa
5579 Nesothele succedens (Rehm ex Arnold) Orange (2022) Yes Nesothele succedens Staurothele succedens 1348 LC NS Nesothele succedens
5580 Nevesia sampaiana (Tav.) P.M. Jørg., L. Lindblom, Wedin & S. Ekman (2014) Yes Nevesia sampaiana Fuscopannaria sampaiana; Pannaria sampaiana 981 NT NS P Eng Sc WaL IR Nevesia sampaiana