Myriospora rhagadiza
Acarospora rhagadiza; Acarospora scyphulifera; Silobia rhagadiza
Conservation Status
NE NR (Key)
BLS Number
General Description
On metal-rich rock from copper and tin mines, Cornwall and Cumbria. Recognised by the rather large apothecia with a distinct and raised margin, the low hymenium and the absence of crystals in the cortex; sometimes very similar to M. myochroa which has a thicker epicortex and often crystals in the cortex detectable with polarized light.

Knudsen, K., Kocourková, J., Cannon, P., Coppins, B., Fletcher, A. & Simkin, J. (2021). Acarosporales: Acarosporaceae, including the genera Acarospora, Caeruleum, Myriospora, Pleopsidium, Sarcogyne and Trimmatothelopsis. Revisions of British and Irish Lichens 12: 1-25. Link