Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6481 Physcia wainioi No 1124 BLS number no longer used
6482 Physciella melanchra (Hue) Essl. (1986) Yes Physciella melanchra 2805 NE NR
6483 Physciella nigricans (Flörke) S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös & J.-S. Hur. (2021) No Phaeophyscia nigricans 1106 LC
6484 Physciopsis adglutinata (Flörke) M. Choisy No Hyperphyscia adglutinata 1125 LC
6485 Physconia distorta (With.) J.R. Laundon (1984) Yes Physconia distorta Physcia pulverulenta auct.
Physcia pulverulenta f. venusta
Physconia pulverulacea
Physconia pulverulenta
1130 LC Physconia distorta
6486 Physconia enteroxantha (Nyl.) Poelt (1966) Yes Physconia enteroxantha Physcia enteroxantha 1126 LC Physconia enteroxantha
6487 Physconia farrea auct. brit. No Physconia perisidiosa 1129 LC
6488 Physconia grisea (Lam.) Poelt (1965) Yes Physconia grisea Physcia grisea; Poeltonia grisea 1127 LC Physconia grisea
6489 Physconia muscigena No 1128 BLS number no longer used
6490 Physconia perisidiosa (Erichsen) Moberg (1977) Yes Physconia perisidiosa Physcia farrea auct.; Physconia farrea auct.; Poeltonia perisidiosa 1129 LC Physconia perisidiosa
6491 Physconia pulverulacea Moberg No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6492 Physconia pulverulenta auct. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6493 Physma chalazanellum (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. No ? Lempholemma polyanthes
6494 Physma chalazonodes (Nyl.) Arnold No ? Lempholemma polyanthes
6495 Physma confertum (Ach.) A.L. Sm. (1918) No Enchylium tenax var. tenax 459 LC
6496 Physma polyanthes (Bernh.) Arnold No Lempholemma polyanthes 817 LC NS
6497 Phytoconis ericetorum (Pers.:Fr.) Redhead & Kuyper (1988) No Lichenomphalia ericetorum 931 LC
6498 Phytoconis velutina (Quél.) Redhead & Kuyper No Lichenomphalia velutina 932 LC ?
6499 Phytoconis viridis (Ach.) Redhead & Kuyper No Lichenomphalia hudsoniana 934
6500 Piccolia ochrophora (Nyl.) Hafellner (2004) Yes Piccolia ochrophora Biatorella ochrophora
Strangospora ochrophora
1373 LC Piccolia ochrophora
6501 Pilophorus cereolus auct. brit. No Pilophorus strumaticus 1131 LC
6502 Pilophorus distans (Hulting) H. Magn. (1955) No Pilophorus strumaticus 1131 LC
6503 Pilophorus strumaticus Nyl. ex Cromb. (1875) Yes Pilophorus strumaticus Pilophorus distans 1131 LC Pilophorus strumaticus
6504 Placidiopsis cartilaginea (Nyl.) Vain. No Placidiopsis custnani 1132 NT NS
6505 Placidiopsis custanii (A. Massal.) Körb. [orth. error] No Placidiopsis custnani 1132 NT NS
6506 Placidiopsis custnani (A. Massal.) Körb. (1863) Yes Placidiopsis custnani Placidiopsis cartilaginea
Placidiopsis custanii
1132 NT NS Placidiopsis custnani
6507 Placidiopsis custnanii (A. Massal.) Körb. [orth. error] No Placidiopsis custnani 1132 NT NS
6508 Placidiopsis pseudocinerea Breuss (1983) Yes Placidiopsis pseudocinerea 1884 CR D NR Sc Placidiopsis pseudocinerea
6509 Placidium boccanum (Servít) Breuss (1996) Yes Placidium boccanum Catapyrenium boccanum 1861 DD NR Placidium boccanum
6510 Placidium cartilagineum (Nyl.) Arnold No Placidiopsis custnani 1132 NT NS