Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6391 Physcia adglutinata (Flörke) Nyl. No Hyperphyscia adglutinata 1125 LC
6392 Physcia adscendens H. Olivier (1882), nom. cons. Yes Physcia adscendens 1112 LC Physcia adscendens
6393 Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. (1839) Yes Physcia aipolia 1113 LC Physcia aipolia
6394 Physcia aipolia var. cercidia (Ach.) Nyl. No Physcia aipolia 1113 LC
6395 Physcia albinea (Ach.) Nyl. No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6396 Physcia aquila (Ach.) Nyl. (1857) No Anaptychia runcinata 47 LC
6397 Physcia astroidea auct. No Physcia clementei 1115 NT NS Sc
6398 Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Fürnr. (1839) Yes Physcia caesia Physcia wainioi 1114 LC Physcia caesia
6399 Physcia caesia f. teretiuscula (Ach.) Cromb. No Physcia dubia 1116 LC
6400 Physcia caesia var. teretiuscula (Ach.) Nyl. No Physcia dubia 1116 LC
6401 Physcia chrysophthalma (L.) DC. (1805) No Teloschistes chrysophthalmos 1380 CR B, C2, D NR P
6402 Physcia chrysophthalma var. dickieana (Linds.) Mudd (1861) No Teloschistes chrysophthalmos 1380 CR B, C2, D NR P
6403 Physcia ciliaris (L.) DC. (1805) No Anaptychia ciliaris 45 EN A2 NS P Eng Wa
6404 Physcia ciliaris f. melanosticta (Ach.) Th. Fr. (1871) No Anaptychia mamillata 46 NT NS
6405 Physcia ciliata auct. brit. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6406 Physcia clementei (Sm.) Mass Geest. (1952) Yes Physcia clementei 1115 NT NS Sc Physcia clementei
6407 Physcia dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau (1912) Yes Physcia dubia Physcia teretiuscula 1116 LC Physcia dubia
6408 Physcia elaeina auct. No Hyperphyscia adglutinata 1125 LC
6409 Physcia enteroxantha Nyl. No Physconia enteroxantha 1126 LC
6410 Physcia erosa Zwackh No Physcia tribacia 1122 LC
6411 Physcia farrea auct. No Physconia perisidiosa 1129 LC
6412 Physcia fusca (Huds.) A.L. Sm. (1918) No Anaptychia runcinata 47 LC
6413 Physcia grisea auct. p.p. No Physconia enteroxantha 1126 LC
6414 Physcia grisea (Lam.) Zahlbr. No Physconia grisea 1127 LC
6415 Physcia grisea auct. p.p. No Physconia perisidiosa 1129 LC
6416 Physcia grisea f. enteroxanthella (Harm.) Erichsen No Physconia enteroxantha 1126 LC
6417 Physcia grisea f. hillmannii Lynge No Physconia grisea 1127 LC
6418 Physcia grisea var. hillmannii (Lynge) Nádv. No Physconia grisea 1127 LC
6419 Physcia hispida auct. brit. p.p. No Physcia adscendens 1112 LC
6420 Physcia hispida auct. brit. p.p. No Physcia leptalea 1118 LC