Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6421 Physcia hispida auct. brit. p.p. No Physcia tenella 1120 LC
6422 Physcia hispida f. subobscura (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. No Physcia tenella 1120 LC
6423 Physcia intricata (DC.) Schaer. (1850) No Tornabea scutellifera 1430 Ex
6424 Physcia labrata auct. brit. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6425 Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC. (1805) Yes Physcia leptalea Physcia semipinnata 1118 LC Physcia leptalea
6426 Physcia leucomela (L.) Michx. (1803) No Heterodermia leucomelos 558 EN C2 NR P Eng Wa S8 IR
6427 Physcia lithotea auct. brit. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6428 Physcia lychnea auct. brit. No Xanthoria candelaria s. lat. 1527 LC
6429 Physcia melops Nyl. No Physcia phaea Physcia phaea (Tuck.) J.W. Thomson, incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6430 Physcia muscigena (Ach.) Nyl. No Physconia muscigena Physconia muscigena (Ach.) Poelt, incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6431 Physcia nigricans (Flörke) Stizenb. No Phaeophyscia nigricans 1106 LC
6432 Physcia obscura (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6433 Physcia obscura var. virella (Ach.) Leight. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6434 Physcia orbicularis (Neck.) Poetsch No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6435 Physcia orbicularis var. ciliata auct. brit. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6436 Physcia orbicularis var. virella (Ach.) A.L. Sm. (1918) No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6437 Physcia parietina (L.) De Not. No Xanthoria parietina 1530 LC
6438 Physcia parietina f. lobulata auct. brit. No Xanthoria polycarpa 1531 LC
6439 Physcia parietina var. aureola auct. No Xanthoria calcicola 1526 LC
6440 Physcia parietina var. aureola f. congranulata Cromb. No Xanthoria calcicola 1526 LC
6441 Physcia parietina var. ectanea auct. brit. p.max.p. No Xanthoria aureola 1538 LC
6442 Physcia parietina var. laciniosa (Dufour) Leight. No Candelaria concolor 289 LC
6443 Physcia parietina var. lychnea auct. brit. No Xanthoria candelaria s. lat. 1527 LC
6444 Physcia parietina var. polycarpa (Hoffm.) A. Massal. (1852) No Xanthoria polycarpa 1531 LC
6445 Physcia phaea auct. brit. No Physcia aipolia 1113 LC
6446 Physcia polycarpa (Hoffm.) Nyl. No Xanthoria polycarpa 1531 LC
6447 Physcia polycarpa f. lobulata auct. brit. No Xanthoria polycarpa 1531 LC
6448 Physcia pulverulenta auct. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6449 Physcia pulverulenta f. pityrea sensu Leight. No Physconia grisea 1127 LC
6450 Physcia pulverulenta f. venusta auct. brit., non (Ach.) Leight. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC