Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6451 Physcia pulverulenta subsp. venusta auct. brit., non (Ach.) Nyl. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6452 Physcia pulverulenta var. angustata (Hoffm.) Schaer. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6453 Physcia pulverulenta var. muscigena (Ach.) Nyl. No Physconia muscigena Physconia muscigena (Ach.) Poelt, incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6454 Physcia pulverulenta var. venusta auct. brit., non (Ach.) Nyl. No Physconia distorta 1130 LC
6455 Physcia retrogressa Stirt. No Physcia stellaris 1119 LC
6456 Physcia sciastra (Ach.) Du Rietz No Phaeophyscia sciastra 1108 LC NS
6457 Physcia sciastrella (Nyl.) Harm. No Phaeophyscia nigricans 1106 LC
6458 Physcia scopularis (Nyl.) Arnold No Caloplaca scopularis 278 NT NS
6459 Physcia semipinnata (J.F. Gmel.) Moberg No Physcia leptalea 1118 LC
6460 Physcia speciosa auct. brit. p.max.p. No Heterodermia obscurata 560 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past
6461 Physcia speciosa var. hypoleuca auct. brit. No Heterodermia obscurata 560
6462 Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl. (1856) Yes Physcia stellaris 1119 LC Physcia stellaris
6463 Physcia stellaris var. aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Tuck. (1860) No Physcia aipolia 1113 LC
6464 Physcia stellaris var. cercidia (Ach.) Th. Fr. No Physcia aipolia 1113 LC
6465 Physcia subalbinea Nyl. No Physcia caesia 1114 LC
6466 Physcia subdetersa Nyl. No Physconia enteroxantha 1126 LC
6467 Physcia subobscura (Nyl.) Nyl. No Physcia tenella 1120 LC
6468 Physcia tenella (Scop.) DC. (1805) Yes Physcia tenella Physcia subobscuraPhyscia tenella subsp. marina 1120 LC Physcia tenella
6469 Physcia tenella f. fimbriatula Stirt. No Physcia tenella 1120 LC
6470 Physcia tenella subsp. marina (A. Nyl.) D. Hawksw. (1980) No Physcia tenella Physcia subobscura 1120 not recognized as a distinct taxon by many authors LC
6471 Physcia tenella subsp. tenella (Scop.) DC. (1805) No Physcia tenella 1120 LC
6472 Physcia teretiuscula (Ach.) Lynge No Physcia dubia 1116 LC
6473 Physcia tremulicola Nyl. No Phaeophyscia nigricans 1106 LC
6474 Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Nyl. (1874) Yes Physcia tribacia 1122 LC Physcia tribacia
6475 Physcia tribacioides Nyl. (1874) Yes Physcia tribacioides 1123 VU C1, D1 NS P Eng Wa S8 Physcia tribacioides
6476 Physcia ulothrix auct. brit. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6477 Physcia ulothrix var. virella (Ach.) Cromb. No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6478 Physcia villosa var. dickieana Linds. (1859) No Teloschistes chrysophthalmos 1380 CR B, C2, D NR P
6479 Physcia virella (Ach.) Flagey No Phaeophyscia orbicularis 1107 LC
6480 Physcia wainioi Räsänen No Physcia caesia 1114 LC