Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6601 Placopsis lambii Hertel & V. Wirth (1987) Yes Placopsis lambii Placopsis gelida auct. p.p. 1723 often mis-recorded as P. gelida LC M* Placopsis lambii
6602 Placopyrenium canellum (Nyl.) Gueidan & Cl. Roux (2007) Yes Placopyrenium canellum Verrucaria aspiciliicola
Verrucaria canella
1478 LC NR Placopyrenium canellum
6603 Placopyrenium cinereoatratum (Degel.) Orange (2009) Yes Placopyrenium cinereoatratum 2531 NE NR Placopyrenium cinereoatratum
6604 Placopyrenium formosum Orange (2009) Yes Placopyrenium formosum Verrucaria crustulosa auct. 2513 DD NR Placopyrenium formosum
6605 Placopyrenium fuscellum (Turner) Gueidan & Cl. Roux (2007) Yes Placopyrenium fuscellum Verrucaria glaucina auct. 1492 LC Placopyrenium fuscellum
6606 Placopyrenium trachyticum (Hazsl.) Breuss (1987) Yes Placopyrenium trachyticum 2704 belongs to var. subtrachyticum Breuss (2009), having 1-septate ascospores NE NR
6607 Placynthiella dasaea (Stirt.) Tønsberg (1992) Yes Placynthiella dasaea 1735 LC Placynthiella dasaea
6608 Placynthiella hyporhoda (Th. Fr.) Coppins & P. James (1984) Yes Placynthiella hyporhoda 1788 LC NR M* Placynthiella hyporhoda
6609 Placynthiella icmalea (Ach.) Coppins & P. James (1984) Yes Placynthiella icmalea Lecidea fuliginea
Lecidea icmalea
Lecidea uliginosa auct. p.p.
732 pre-1980 often reported as Lecidea uliginosa LC Placynthiella icmalea
6610 Placynthiella oligotropha (J.R. Laundon) Coppins & P. James (1984) Yes Placynthiella oligotropha Lecidea oligotropha 756 LC NS Placynthiella oligotropha
6611 Placynthiella uliginosa (Schrad.) Coppins & P. James (1984) Yes Placynthiella uliginosa Lecidea uliginosa 788 LC Placynthiella uliginosa
6612 Placynthium anemoideum (Servìt) Gyeln. (1938) Yes Placynthium anemoideum 2522 DD NR
6613 Placynthium asperellum (Ach.) Trevis. (1869) Yes Placynthium asperellum 1134 NT NR Sc Placynthium asperellum
6614 Placynthium caesium (Fr.) Jatta (1900) Yes Placynthium caesium Collolechia caesia; Placynthium garovaglii auct. p.p. 2435 DD NR Sc Placynthium caesium
6615 Placynthium delicatulum (Th. Fr.) A.L. Sm. No Arctomia delicatula 50 NT NR Sc
6616 Placynthium delicatulum sensu A.L. Sm. p.p. No Placynthium dolichoterum 1141 DD NR Sc
6617 Placynthium dolichoterum (Nyl.) Trevis. (1869) Yes Placynthium dolichoterum Placynthium pluriseptatum 1141 DD NR Sc
6618 Placynthium filiforme (Garov.) M. Choisy No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6619 Placynthium flabellosum (Tuck.) Zahlbr. (1925) Yes Placynthium flabellosum 1135 LC NS Placynthium flabellosum
6620 Placynthium garovaglii auct. p.p. No Placynthium caesium 2435 DD NR Sc
6621 Placynthium garovaglii (A. Massal.) Malme Yes Placynthium garovaglii 1136 garovaglii is genative of Garovaglius DD NR Placynthium garovaglii
6622 Placynthium garovaglioi (A. Massal.) Malme [orth. var.] No Placynthium garovaglii 1136 DD NR
6623 Placynthium hungaricum Gyeln. (1939) Yes Placynthium hungaricum 2436 DD NR Placynthium hungaricum
6624 Placynthium lismorense (Cromb.) Vain. (1909) Yes Placynthium lismorense 1137 DD NR Sc Placynthium lismorense
6625 Placynthium majus Harm. No 1138 incorrectly reported from the British Isles, BLS number no longer used
6626 Placynthium nigrum (Huds.) Gray (1821) Yes Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC Placynthium nigrum
6627 Placynthium nigrum f. agglomeratum Walt. Watson No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC
6628 Placynthium nigrum f. caespiticium (Wedd.) Walt. Watson (1930) No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC
6629 Placynthium nigrum f. corallinodes (Schaer.) Walt. Watson (1930) No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC
6630 Placynthium nigrum f. crustaceum (Hepp) Walt. Watson (1930) No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC