Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
6631 Placynthium nigrum f. psotinum (Nyl.) Hue No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC
6632 Placynthium nigrum f. triseptatum (Nyl.) Hue No Placynthium nigrum 1139 LC
6633 Placynthium pannariellum (Nyl.) H. Magn. (1936) Yes Placynthium pannariellum 1140 NT NS Sc Placynthium pannariellum
6634 Placynthium pluriseptatum (Arnold) Arnold No Placynthium dolichoterum 1141 DD NR Sc
6635 Placynthium subradiatum (Nyl.) Arnold (1884) Yes Placynthium subradiatum 1142 LC NS Placynthium subradiatum
6636 Placynthium tantaleum (Hepp) Hue (1906) Yes Placynthium tantaleum 1143 LC NS Placynthium tantaleum
6637 Placynthium tremniacum (A. Massal.) Jatta (1900) Yes Placynthium tremniacum 1144 DD NR Placynthium tremniacum
6638 Platismatia glauca (L.) W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. (1968) Yes Platismatia glauca Cetraria glauca
Cetraria glauca f. fallax
Cetraria glauca var. tenuisecta
1145 LC Platismatia glauca
6639 Platismatia norvegica (Lynge) W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. (1968) Yes Platismatia norvegica Cetraria norvegica 1146 LC NS Sc IR Platismatia norvegica
6640 Platygramma dendritica (Ach.) G. Mey. No Phaeographis dendritica 1100 LC Sc
6641 Platygramma elaborata Leight. No Enterographa elaborata 505 CR D NR P Eng S8 IR
6642 Platygramma hutchinsiae Leight. No Enterographa hutchinsiae 506 LC
6643 Platygrapha periclea auct. brit. No Schismatomma ricasolii 1316 VU B, D1 NS P Eng Sc Wa IR
6644 Platygrapha rimata auct. brit. No Schismatomma ricasolii 1316 VU B, D1 NS P Eng Sc Wa IR
6645 Platysma chlorophyllum (Willd.) Vain. No Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla 327 LC
6646 Platysma cucullatum Hoffm. No Flavocetraria cucullata incorrectly reported from the British Isles
6647 Platysma diffusum auct. No Imshaugia aleurites 1033 LC
6648 Platysma fahlunense auct. p.p. No Cetrariella commixta 328 LC NS
6649 Platysma fahlunense auct. p.p. No Melanelia hepatizon 332 LC NS
6650 Platysma glaucum (L.) Frege No Platismatia glauca 1145 LC
6651 Platysma glaucum f. fuscum (Flot.) Arnold (1884) No Platismatia glauca 1145 LC
6652 Platysma hepatizon (Ach.) Vain. No Melanelia hepatizon 332 LC NS
6653 Platysma juniperinum (L.) Frege No Vulpicida juniperinus 335 Ex
6654 Platysma lacunosum auct. brit. No Platismatia norvegica 1146 LC NS Sc IR
6655 Platysma norvegicum (Lynge) Dahl No Platismatia norvegica 1146 LC NS Sc IR
6656 Platysma pinastri (Scop.) Frege No Vulpicida pinastri 337 NT NR P Sc
6657 Platysma polyschizum Nyl. No Melanelia hepatizon 332 LC NS
6658 Platysma sepincola (Ehrh.) Hoffm. (1790) No Cetraria sepincola 338 LC
6659 Platysma triste (Weber) Nyl. No Cornicularia normoerica 472 LC
6660 Plectocarpon lichenum (Sommerf.) D. Hawksw. (1984) Yes Plectocarpon lichenum Lichenomyces lichenum 2153 LC NS LF Plectocarpon lichenum