Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
3211 Lecanactis premnea No Cresponea premnea 605 LC Sc IR
3212 Lecanactis premnea f. saxicola (Mudd) Leight. No Cresponea premnea 605 Cresponea premnea [on rock] LC Sc IR
3213 Lecanactis stenhammarii (Fr. ex Stenh.) Arnold No Dirina massiliensis f. sorediata 500 LC
3214 Lecanactis subabietina Coppins & P. James (1979) No Inoderma subabietinum 606 LC Sc IR
3215 Lecanactis umbrina Coppins & P. James No Schismatomma umbrinum 607 LC NS Sc IR
3216 Lecania actaea (Nyl.) B. de Lesd. No Halecania ralfsii 620 LC NS
3217 Lecania aipospila (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr. (1867) Yes Lecania aipospila 609 LC NS Lecania aipospila
3218 Lecania albariella (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. No Lecania turicensis 1691 LC
3219 Lecania albocarnea Nyl. No Lecania hutchinsiae 1625 LC
3220 Lecania alpivaga Th. Fr. No Halecania alpivaga 1756 VU D2 NR Sc
3221 Lecania atrynoides M. Knowles (1913) Yes Lecania atrynoides 611 LC NS Lecania atrynoides
3222 Lecania baeomma (Nyl.) P. James & J.R. Laundon (1980) Yes Lecania baeomma Lecania rupicola 612 LC NS Lecania baeomma
3223 Lecania caesia (W. Johnson) A.L. Sm. No Lecania baeomma 612 LC NS
3224 Lecania candicans (Dicks.) Stizenb. No Solenopsora candicans 1324 LC
3225 Lecania carneolutea (Turner) Mudd (1861) No Cryptolechia carneolutea 473 EN A2, C1+2, D NS P Eng IR
3226 Lecania chlorotiza (Nyl.) P. James (1992) Yes Lecania chlorotiza Catillaria chlorotiza, Vandenboomia chlorotiza 307 NT NS P Eng Sc Wa IR Lecania chlorotiza
3227 Lecania coeruleorubella (Mudd) M. Mayrhofer (1988) Yes Lecania coeruleorubella 1869 Ex Lecania coeruleorubella
3228 Lecania coerulescens Mudd (1861) Yes Lecania coerulescens 1759 DD NR E IR Lecania coerulescens
3229 Lecania coerulescens var. coeruleorubella Mudd (1861) No Lecania coeruleorubella 1869 Ex
3230 Lecania cuprea (A. Massal.) van den Boom & Coppins (1992) Yes Lecania cuprea Bacidia cupreaCatillaria umbraticula 143 LC NS Lecania cuprea
3231 Lecania curvescens (Mudd) A.L. Sm. (1918) No Bryonora curvescens 645 VU D2 NR Sc
3232 Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) Th. Fr. (1871) Yes Lecania cyrtella Lecaniella cyrtella 613 LC Lecania cyrtella
3233 Lecania cyrtellina (Nyl.) Sandst. (1912) Yes Lecania cyrtellina Lecaniella cyrtellina 614 LC Lecania cyrtellina
3234 Lecania cœrulescens var. cœruleo-rubella Mudd No Lecania coeruleorubella 1869 Ex
3235 Lecania dimera (Nyl.) Th. Fr. (1871) No Lecania dubitans 2388 DD NR Sc
3236 Lecania dubitans (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. (1918) Yes Lecania dubitans Lecaniella dubitans 2388 DD NR Sc Lecania dubitans
3237 Lecania erysibe auct. brit. p.p. pre-1992 No Lecania sp. various Lecania spp., including Lecania erysibe s.str. [blastidiate], Lecania hutchinsiae, Lecania inundata, Lecania rabenhorstii and Lecania turicensis
3238 Lecania erysibe f. sorediata J.R. Laundon (1967) No Lecania erysibe s. str. 616 LC
3239 Lecania erysibe f. sorediata No 617 BLS number no longer used
3240 Lecania erysibe s. lat. s. lat. Yes Lecania erysibe s. lat. 2551 Lecania erysibe s. lat.