The page lists lichen species that are threatened or near threatened, ie Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) or Near Threatened (NT).
Count | Name | Conservation Evaluation |
1 | Teloschistes chrysophthalmos | CR B, C2, D NR P |
2 | Teloschistes flavicans | VU A NS P Eng Wa S8 |
3 | Tetramelas insignis | CR D NR Sc |
4 | Tetramelas papillatus | CR D NR Sc |
5 | Thalloidima physaroides | CR B2, C2 NR P Eng |
6 | Thalloidima rosulatum | EN D NR Sc |
7 | Thalloidima sedifolium | LC P Eng Wa |
8 | Thelenella larbalestieri | VU D2 NR E Sc IR |
9 | Thelenella modesta | CR B NR P Sc |
10 | Thelidium fumidum | NT NR |
11 | Thelocarpon opertum | NT NR E Sc IR |
12 | Thermutis velutina | NT NR Sc |
13 | Toensbergia geminipara | NT NR Sc |
14 | Toninia plumbina | NT NR Sc |
15 | Toninia squalida | NT NR Sc |
16 | Toniniopsis coelestina | VU D1, D2 NR Sc |
17 | Toniniopsis separabilis | VU C, D1 NS P Eng Sc |
18 | Topeliopsis azorica | EN D NR Sc |
19 | Trimmatothelopsis rhizobola | VU D2 NR Sc |
20 | Tylophoron hibernicum | NT NR P Eng Wa IR |