Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
2521 Endocarpon fissum (Taylor) Leight. No Staurothele fissa 1343 LC
2522 Endocarpon fluviatile (Weber) DC. No Dermatocarpon luridum 487 LC
2523 Endocarpon fuscellum (Turner) Ach. No Placopyrenium fuscellum 1492 LC
2524 Endocarpon hepaticum auct. brit. p.p. No Placidium squamulosum 1608 LC
2525 Endocarpon hepaticum auct. brit. p.p. No Placidium lachneum 301 LC NS
2526 Endocarpon lithinum sensu Leight. (1851) No Staurothele fissa 1343 LC
2527 Endocarpon microsticticum Leight., nom. inval. No Polycoccum microsticticum 1483 NE NR LF
2528 Endocarpon miniatum (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. (1802) No Dermatocrpon miniatum 484 LC
2529 Endocarpon pallidulum (Nyl.) Nyl. (1892) Yes Endocarpon pallidulum 2481 CR E NR Endocarpon pallidulum
2530 Endocarpon pallidum auct. brit. p.p. No Endocarpon adscendens 502 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past EN D NR P Eng P
2531 Endocarpon pallidum Ach. No Endocarpon pusillum var. pallidum 1866 NE NR
2532 Endocarpon polystictum (Borrer) Hook. No Verrucaria polysticta 1820 LC NS
2533 Endocarpon psoromoides (Borrer) Hook. No Catapyrenium psoromoides 303 CR D NR P Sc S8
2534 Endocarpon pusillum var. pallidum (Ach.) Körb. (1855) Yes Endocarpon pusillum var. pallidum Endocarpon pallidum 1866 NE NR Endocarpon pusillum var. pallidum
2535 Endocarpon pusillum var. pusillum Hedw. (1789) Yes Endocarpon pusillum var. pusillum 503 NT NS Endocarpon pusillum var. pusillum
2536 Endocarpon rufescens Ach. No Placidium rufescens 1776 DD NR
2537 Endocarpon rugosum Taylor No Porpidia rugosa 566 LC
2538 Endocarpon smaragdulum Wahlenb. No Myriospora smaragdula 25 LC
2539 Endocarpon sorediatum (Borrer) Hook. No Endocarpon pusillum var. pusillum 503
2540 Endocarpon squamulosum auct. brit. p.p. No Placidium lachneum 301 LC NS
2541 Endocarpon viride Ach. No Lichenomphalia hudsoniana 934
2542 Endococcus alpestris D. Hawksw. No Endococcus apiciicola 2054 Endococcus apiciicola (J. Steiner) R. Sant. NE NS LF
2543 Endococcus alpicola auct. [sphalm.] No Endococcus apiciicola 2054 Endococcus apiciicola (J. Steiner) R. Sant. NE NS LF
2544 Endococcus apiciicola (J. Steiner) R. Sant. (1994) Yes Endococcus apiciicola Endococcus alpestris 2054 NE NS LF Endococcus apiciicola
2545 Endococcus brachysporus (Zopf) M. Brand & Diederich (1999) Yes Endococcus brachysporus 2295 NE NR LF Endococcus brachysporus
2546 Endococcus caudisporus J.C. David & Etayo (1995) Yes Endococcus caudisporus 2055 NE NR LF Endococcus caudisporus
2547 Endococcus collematis Brackel (2021) Yes Endococcus collematis Endococcus pseudocarpus auct. brit. 2692 on Collemataceae NE NR LF Endococcus collematis
2548 Endococcus exerrans Nyl. (1879) Yes Endococcus exerrans 2056 NE NR LF Endococcus exerrans
2549 Endococcus exoriens Stirt. No Phaeospora exoriens 2140 NE NR LF
2550 Endococcus fusiger Th. Fr. & Almq (1867) Yes Endococcus fusiger 2467 NE NR LF Endococcus fusiger