Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
1741 Chaenotheca sulphurea (Retz.) Middelb. & Mattsson No Chaenotheca brachypoda 470 LC
1742 Chaenotheca trabinella sensu A.L. Sm. No Chaenotheca phaeocephala 347 CR B NR P Wa
1743 Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Th. Fr. (1860) Yes Chaenotheca trichialis Chaenotheca aeruginosa 349 LC Chaenotheca trichialis
1744 Chaenotheca trichialis subsp. cinerea sensu A.L. Sm., non (Pers.) A.L. Sm. No Chaenotheca trichialis 349 LC
1745 Chaenotheca xyloxena Nádv. (1934) Yes Chaenotheca xyloxena 350 VU D2 NR Sc Chaenotheca xyloxena
1746 Chaenothecopsis caespitosa (W. Phillips) D. Hawksw. (1980) Yes Chaenothecopsis caespitosa 1938 NT NR F Chaenothecopsis caespitosa
1747 Chaenothecopsis debilis (Sm.) Tibell (1975) Yes Chaenothecopsis debilis Calicium debile 778 Ex F Chaenothecopsis debilis
1748 Chaenothecopsis epithallina Tibell (1975) Yes Chaenothecopsis epithallina 1939 NE NR Sc LF Chaenothecopsis epithallina
1749 Chaenothecopsis lignicola (Nádv.) A.F.W. Schmidt (1970) No Chaenothecopsis pusiola 351 NT NR Sc LF
1750 Chaenothecopsis nigra Tibell (1987) Yes Chaenothecopsis nigra 1831 LC NS Chaenothecopsis nigra
1751 Chaenothecopsis parasitaster (Bagl. & Carestia) D. Hawksw. (1978) Yes Chaenothecopsis parasitaster 1515 LC NS LF Chaenothecopsis parasitaster
1752 Chaenothecopsis pusilla (Ach.) A.F.W. Schmidt (1970) Yes Chaenothecopsis pusilla 1931 LC NS LF Chaenothecopsis pusilla
1753 Chaenothecopsis pusiola (Ach.) Vain. (1927) Yes Chaenothecopsis pusiola 351 NT NR Sc LF Chaenothecopsis pusiola
1754 Chaenothecopsis retinens (Nyl.) Tibell (1991) Yes Chaenothecopsis retinens Calicium retinens 1396 NE NR LF Chaenothecopsis retinens
1755 Chaenothecopsis rubescens Vain. (1927) Yes Chaenothecopsis rubescens 1940 British records doubtful DD NR LF Chaenothecopsis rubescens
1756 Chaenothecopsis savonica (Räsänen) Tibell (1984) Yes Chaenothecopsis savonica 1832 NT NR Sc Chaenothecopsis savonica
1757 Chaenothecopsis subparoica (Nyl.) Tibell (1995) Yes Chaenothecopsis subparoica 2313 NE NR LF Chaenothecopsis subparoica
1758 Chaenothecopsis subpusilla (Vain.) Tibell No Chaenothecopsis pusilla 1931 LC NS
1759 Chaenothecopsis tigillaris (Berk. & Broome) D. Hawksw. (2014) Yes Chaenothecopsis tigillaris Calicium tigillare (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., non (Ach.) Pers.; Sphinctrina tigillaris 2639 Fungicolous on wooden beam in church NE NR F
1760 Chaenothecopsis vainioana (Nádv.) Tibell (1979) Yes Chaenothecopsis vainioana 1833 NT NR Sc LF Chaenothecopsis vainioana
1761 Chaenothecopsis viridialba (Kremp.) A.F.W. Schmidt (1970) Yes Chaenothecopsis viridialba 1941 DD NR Sc F Chaenothecopsis viridialba
1762 Chaenothecopsis viridireagens (Nádv.) A.F.W. Schmidt (1970) Yes Chaenothecopsis viridireagens 1942 NT NR Sc LF Chaenothecopsis viridireagens
1763 Chiodecton albidum (Taylor) Leight. No Syncesia myrticola 352 NT NS IR
1764 Chiodecton crassum (DC.) Zahlbr. No Enterographa crassa 504 LC
1765 Chiodecton graphidioides Leight. (1854) No Schismatomma ricasolii 1316 VU B, D1 NS P Eng Sc Wa IR
1766 Chiodecton hutchinsiae (Leight.) Zahlbr. No Enterographa hutchinsiae 506 LC
1767 Chiodecton myrticola Fée No Syncesia myrticola 352 NT NS IR
1768 Chiodecton myrticola var. sarniense Mudd No Syncesia myrticola 352 NT NS IR
1769 Chiodecton petraeum Delise (1856) No Syncesia myrticola 352 NT NS IR
1770 Chiodecton petraeum No 353 BLS number no longer used