Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
9031 Zyzygomyces bachmannii (Diederich & M.S. Christ.) Diederich, Millanes & Wedin (2022) Yes Zyzygomyces bachmannii Heterocephalacria bachmannii; Syzygospora bachmannii 2239 on Cladonia spp. LC NR LF Zyzygomyces bachmannii
9032 Zyzygomyces physciacearum (Diederich) Diederich, Millanes & Wedin (2022) Yes Zyzygomyces physciacearum Heterocephalacria physciacearum; Syzygospora physciacearum 2240 on Physcia spp., esp. P. adscendens & P. tenella LC NS LF Zyzygomyces physciacearum
9033 Zyzygomyces physconiae Diederich, Millanes, P. Pinault & Brackel (2022) Yes Zyzygomyces physconiae 2830 on Physconia NE NR LF Zyzygomyces physconiae
9034 Zyzygomyces polyblastidii s. lat. Diederich, Flakus, Etayo & Rodr. Flakus s. lat. (2022) Yes Zyzygomyces polyblastidii s. lat. 2878 on Heterodermia obscurata NE NR LF Zyzygomyces polyblastidii s. lat.