Rockers Workshop 2005: Where we went

About Who WhereLists: Braemar KintailPhotos: Places People Lichens LabsExtra Memory of Alan Orange

Localities visited:


22 May 2005, Sunday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, Glen Lui, bridge below Creag an Diuchd, 37(NO)063.914, alt. 400 m; E side of bridge, consolidated turf (parking area) with concrete rubble; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI. 
  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, Clais Fhearnaig, 37(NO)06.93, alt. 500 m, valley with SE-facing crags (including limestone) & NE-facing scree and narrow lochan; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI.

23 May 2005, Monday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, Glen Lui, Creag an Diuchd, 37(NO)05.91, alt. 500 m; NE-facing crags, with part calcareous influence; within Cairngorms SSSI. 
  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, Linn of Quoich, 37(NO)11.91, alt. 350 m; rock out crops on (and within) E side of river; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI.

24 May 2005, Tuesday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Invercauld Estate, Craig Leek, 37(NO)18(-9).92(-3), alt. 400-500 m; NE-E-facing crags, partly limestone; within Craig Leek SSSI.

25 May 2005, Wednesday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, track from Glen Quoich to Beinn a'Bhuird, S, E & N of Carn Allt na Beinne, and mostly at An Dìollard, 37(NO)07(-8).95(-6), alt. 500–780 m; moorland, montane heath and boulders; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI.

26 May 2005, Thursday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Mar Lodge Estate, summit area of Beinn a'Bhuird, 37(NO)08(-9).98(-9), alt. 1000-1196 m; montane heath, boulders, summit tors and edges of snow patches; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI. 
  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Invercauld Estate, eastern corries [western part] of Beinn a'Bhuird, 37(NO)08.98(-9), alt. 850-1100 m; montane rocks, heath, snow patches and lochans; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI. 
  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Invercauld Estate, eastern corries [eastern part] of Beinn a'Bhuird, 37(NO)10(1).98(-9), alt. 650-1000 m; montane rocks, heath and lochans; within Eastern Cairngorms SSSI.

27 May 2005, Friday

  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Morrone Birkwood NNR, 37(NO)14.90, alt. 400-450 m; birch-juniper wood, with aspen, siliceous boulders and N-facing limestone outcrops. [A Orange & R Woods]. 
  • VC 92, South Aberdeenshire: Braemar, Invercauld Estate, Craig Choinnich, 37(NO)16.91, alt. 400-538 m; S-facing crags and boulder field.


29 May 2005, Sunday

  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, N slope and crags of Beinn Bhuidhe, 18(NG)977.217 to 982.220, alt. 50-300 m; siliceous rocks on slope and damp N-facing crags. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, Beinn Fhada, Coire an Sgàirne, 28(NH)00.20, alt. 500-600 m. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, Gleann Lichd, Eas Achadh Airc, 18(NG)98.20, alt. Cliff, boulder field, upland ravine; fine-grained granites (felsite). [S Chambers & R Woods].

30 May 2005, Monday

  • VC 104, Mid Ebudes, Skye, Trotternish Ridge, The Storr, 18(NG)500.540(-2), alt. c. 450m; basalt boulders and crags.

31 May 2005, Tuesday

  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, Sgurr Fhuaran, 18(NG)977.199 to 980.168, alt. 500-1068 m; montane rocks and snow patch. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, Coire na h-Uaighe, 18(NG)972.182, alt. 450-750 m. [A Orange, J Buschbom & K Glew]. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, St Dubhthach's Church (Kintail Old Parish Church), 18(NG)946.210, alt. 10 m. Grade B listed Ancient Monument. [B Coppins, J Douglass & P Aspen]. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Dornie, Carr Brae, 18(NG)895.244(-5), alt. 130-150 m; W-facing crags, including metalliferous seam, but this mostly heavily shaded under trees. [B Coppins, J Douglass & P Aspen].

1 June 2005, Wednesday

  • VC 97, Westerness: Glenmore River, NE of Suadalen, 18(NG)88.17, alt. 90 m; riverside woodland (hazel, ash, alder, birch); serpentenite outcrop; boulders in side-stream; moorland. Serpentine outcropping by river & under trees.

2 June 2005, Thursday

  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, Morvich, S of Outdoor Centre, 18(NG)966.209, alt. c. 15 m; W-facing crags, mostly siliceous, but very small area of base enrichment. [A Fryday]. 
  • VC 105, West Ross: Kintail, Kintail Estate, by R Croe, nr Outdoor Centre, 18(NG)96.21, alt. c. 15 m; trees by river. [B Coppins]. 
  • VC 104, Mid Ebudes, Skye - no details [apart from location of tea-shop] or records [other than for Cetorhinus maximus]!

3 June 2005, Friday

  • VC 104, Mid Ebudes, Skye, Strathaird, Bla Bheinn, Coire Uaigneich, 18(NG)54.21, alt. to 250 m; calcareous rocks in deep ravine, and siliceous rocks and boulders. 
  • VC 104, Mid Ebudes, Skye, Loch Slapin, Kilmarie Graveyard, 18(NG)55.17, alt. 5 m; old graveyard with granite and sandstone gravestones, near the shore but sheltered by trees. [B Coppins, J Hope & P Scholz].