Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
2341 Dactylospora inspersa sensu Mudd No Sclerococcum parasiticum 1973 LC NS LF
2342 Dactylospora lamyi (O.J. Rich.) Arnold No Opegrapha lamyi 2131 NE ? LF
2343 Dactylospora lobariella (Nyl.) Hafellner (1979) No Sclerococcum lobariellum 2046 LC NS LF Dactylospora lobariella
2344 Dactylospora microspora Etayo (1991) No Sclerococcum microsporum 2047 NE NR LF Dactylospora microspora
2345 Dactylospora ophthalmizae Coppins ined. No Sclerococcum ophthalmizae 2000 unpublished name NE NR LF
2346 Dactylospora parasitaster (Nyl.) Arnold (1885) No Sclerococcum parasitaster 2733 NE NR LF
2347 Dactylospora parasitica (Flörke) Zopf (1896) No Sclerococcum parasiticum 1973 LC NS LF Dactylospora parasitica
2348 Dactylospora parellaria (Nyl.) Arnold (1877) No Sclerococcum parellarium 2048 LC NS LF Dactylospora parellaria
2349 Dactylospora purpurascens Triebel (1989) Yes Dactylospora purpurascens 2049 NE NR LF Dactylospora purpurascens
2350 Dactylospora saxatilis (Schaer.) Hafellner (1979) No Sclerococcum saxatile 2050 NE NR LF Dactylospora saxatilis
2351 Dactylospora scapanaria (Carrington) D. Hawksw. (2003) Yes Dactylospora scapanaria 2703 Hepaticolous fungus NE F Dactylospora scapanaria
2352 Dactylospora suburceolata Coppins & Fryday (2012) No Sclerococcum suburceolatum 2608 NE NR LF Dactylospora suburceolata
2353 Dactylospora tegularum (Arnold) Hafellner (1979) No Sclerococcum tegularum 2475 NE NR LF Dactylospora tegularum
2354 Dactylospora urceolata (Th. Fr.) Arnold (1874) No Sclerococcum urceolatum 2051 NE NR LF Dactylospora urceolata
2355 Degelia atlantica (Degel.) P.M. Jørg. & P. James (1990) No Pectenia atlantica 1027 LC L IR
2356 Degelia cyanoloma (Schaer.) H.H. Blom & L. Lindblom (2010) No Pectenia cyanoloma 2540 LC ?NS IR
2357 Degelia ligulata P.M. Jørg. & P. James (1990) No Pectenia ligulata 1597 VU D2 NR Sc L IR
2358 Degelia plumbea auct. p.p. No Pectenia cyanoloma 2540 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC ?NS IR
2359 Degelia plumbea s. lat. s. lat. No Pectenia plumbea s. lat. 1029 LC L IR
2360 Degelia plumbea s. str. (Lightf.) P.M. Jørg. & P. James s. str. (1990) No Pectenia plumbea s. str. 2541 LC L IR
2361 Delphinella cookei (Linds.) E. Müll. (1962) No Muellerella lichenicola 2116 LC LF
2362 Dendriscocaulon bolacinum (Ach.) Nyl. (1885) No Ricasolia amplissima 855 Ricasolia amplissima (blue-green phycotype) LC Sc L IR
2363 Dendriscocaulon umhausense (Auersw.) Degel. (1941) No Ricasolia amplissima 855 Ricasolia amplissima (blue-green phycotype) LC Sc L IR
2364 Dendriscocaulon umhausense No 478 BLS number no longer used
2365 Dendrographa decolorans (Turner & Borrer ex Sm.) Ertz & Tehler (2011) Yes Dendrographa decolorans Schismatomma decolorans 1315 LC Dendrographa decolorans
2366 Dendrographa latebrarum (Ach.) Ertz & Tehler Yes Dendrographa latebrarum Lecanactis latebrarum 1587 LC NS Sc Dendrographa latebrarum
2367 Dendrophoma alcicornaria (Linds.) Vouaux No Lichenosticta alcicornaria 2101 NE NR LF
2368 Dermatina hippocastani (DC.) Oxner (1956) No Cyrtidula hippocastani 911 LC NS F
2369 Dermatina quercus (A. Massal.) Zahlbr. No Cyrtidula quercus 912 LC F
2370 Dermatina quercus var. ilicis Riedl No name of uncertain application (type lost)