Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
8161 Thelocarpon impressellum Nyl. (1867) Yes Thelocarpon impressellum 1399 NE NS Thelocarpon impressellum
8162 Thelocarpon interceptum Nyl. No Thelocarpon laureri 1401 LC NS
8163 Thelocarpon intermediellum Nyl. (1865) Yes Thelocarpon intermediellum 1400 LC NR Thelocarpon intermediellum
8164 Thelocarpon intermixtulum Nyl. No Thelocarpon intermediellum 1400 LC NR
8165 Thelocarpon intermixtulum var. olivaceum (B. de Lesd.) H. Magn. No Thelocarpon olivaceum 1403 LC NR
8166 Thelocarpon laureri (Flot.) Nyl. (1855) Yes Thelocarpon laureri 1401 LC NS Thelocarpon laureri
8167 Thelocarpon lichenicola (Fuckel) Poelt & Hafellner (1975) Yes Thelocarpon lichenicola 1684 LC NS Thelocarpon lichenicola
8168 Thelocarpon magnussonii G. Salisb. (1953) Yes Thelocarpon magnussonii 1402 DD NR Sc IR Thelocarpon magnussonii
8169 Thelocarpon olivaceum B. de Lesd. (1914) Yes Thelocarpon olivaceum 1403 LC NR Thelocarpon olivaceum
8170 Thelocarpon opertum J.C. David & Coppins (1997) Yes Thelocarpon opertum 1080 NT NR E Sc IR Thelocarpon opertum
8171 Thelocarpon pallidum G. Salisb. (1953) Yes Thelocarpon pallidum 1404 LC NR Thelocarpon pallidum
8172 Thelocarpon robustum Eitner (1901) Yes Thelocarpon robustum 2426 LC NR Thelocarpon robustum
8173 Thelocarpon saxicola (Zahlbr.) H. Magn. (1935) Yes Thelocarpon saxicola 2332 LC NR Thelocarpon saxicola
8174 Thelocarpon sphaerosporum H. Magn. (1935) Yes Thelocarpon sphaerosporum 1497 LC NR Thelocarpon sphaerosporum
8175 Thelocarpon strasseri Zahlbr. (1902) Yes Thelocarpon strasseri 1902 LC NR Thelocarpon strasseri
8176 Thelocarpon superellum Nyl. (1866) Yes Thelocarpon superellum 1405 LC NR Thelocarpon superellum
8177 Thelomma ocellatum (Körb.) Tibell (1976) No Pseudothelomma ocellatum 1406 LC NS
8178 Thelopsis corticola (Coppins & P. James) Sanderson & Ertz (2021) Yes Thelopsis corticola Opegrapha corticola 945 LC IR Thelopsis corticola
8179 Thelopsis isiaca Stizenb. (1895) Yes Thelopsis isiaca 957 DD NR Thelopsis isiaca
8180 Thelopsis melathelia Nyl. (1864) No Ramonia melathelia 1407 NT NR Sc
8181 Thelopsis rubella Nyl. (1855) Yes Thelopsis rubella 1408 LC L Thelopsis rubella
8182 Thelotrema agelaea (Ach.) Gray No Phlyctis agelaea 1109 NT NS Sc
8183 Thelotrema hutchinsiae Borrer No Pertusaria hutchinsiae 1086
8184 Thelotrema isidioides (Borrer) R. Sant. (1980) No Leucodecton isidioides 1409 NE (Ireland only)
8185 Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Ach. (1803) Yes Thelotrema lepadinum Thelotrema lepadinum var. scutelliforme 1410 LC L* Thelotrema lepadinum
8186 Thelotrema lepadinum f. rupestre (Turner) Cromb. No Thelotrema lepadinum 1410 LC L*
8187 Thelotrema lepadinum var. rupestre Turner No Thelotrema lepadinum 1410 LC L*
8188 Thelotrema lepadinum var. scutelliforme Ach. No Thelotrema lepadinum 1410 LC L*
8189 Thelotrema lueckingii Breuss (2013) Yes Thelotrema lueckingii 2836 NE NR Thelotrema lueckingii
8190 Thelotrema macrosporum P.M. Jørg. & P. James (1995) Yes Thelotrema macrosporum Thelotrema monosporum auct. europ. 1411 LC NS Sc IR Thelotrema macrosporum