Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
7231 Randlanea usneicola Zhurb, Diederich & U. Braun (2023) Yes Randlanea usneicola 2876 NE NR LF
7232 Raphiospora arenicola Mudd (1861) No Arthrorhaphis grisea 313 LC NS LF
7233 Raphiospora flavovirescens A. Massal. (1853) No Arthrorhaphis citrinella 100 LC
7234 Reconditella physconiarum Hafellner & Matzer (1990) Yes Reconditella physconiarum 2490 NE NR LF Reconditella physconiarum
7235 Refractohilum achromaticum (B. Sutton) D. Hawksw. (1997) Yes Refractohilum achromaticum 2485 NE NR LF
7236 Refractohilum galligenum D. Hawksw. (1977) Yes Refractohilum galligenum 2182 NE NS LF Refractohilum galligenum
7237 Refractohilum peltigerae (Keissl.) D. Hawksw. Yes Refractohilum peltigerae 2861 on Peltigera NE NR LF
7238 Refractohilum pluriseptatum Etayo & Cl. Roux (1997) Yes Refractohilum pluriseptatum 2183 NE NR LF Refractohilum pluriseptatum
7239 Reichlingia anombrophila (Coppins & P. James) Frisch (2020) Yes Reichlingia anombrophila Arthonia anombrophila; Arthonia cinereopruinosa auct. brit. 1588 LC NS Sc IR Reichlingia anombrophila
7240 Reichlingia dendritica (Leight.) Ertz & Sanderson (2020) Yes Reichlingia dendritica Arthonia atlantica; Arthonia atlantica var. positiva 53 NT NR P Eng Sc Wa IR Reichlingia dendritica
7241 Reichlingia leopoldii Diederich & Scheid. (1996) Yes Reichlingia leopoldii 2386 DD NR Sc Reichlingia leopoldii
7242 Reichlingia zwackhii (Sandst.) Frisch & G. Thor (2014) Yes Reichlingia zwackhii Arthonia zwackhii 74 NT NR Sc Reichlingia zwackhii
7243 Rhacodiopsis rupestris (Pers.) Donk No Racodium rupestre 1229 LC
7244 Rhagadostoma lichenicola (De Not.) Keissl. (1930) Yes Rhagadostoma lichenicola 2184 lichenicolous on Solorina crocea NE NR LF Rhagadostoma lichenicola
7245 Rhagadostoma rugosum Nav.-Ros. & Hladún (1994) Yes Rhagadostoma rugosum 2185 NE NR LF
7246 Rhagadostoma verrucariarum Nav.-Ros. & Hladún (1994) Yes Rhagadostoma verrucariarum 2802 lichenicolous on Verrucaria s. lat. NE NR LF
7247 Rhaphidicyrtis trichosporella (Nyl.) Vain. (1921) Yes Rhaphidicyrtis trichosporella 1799 LC NS Rhaphidicyrtis trichosporella
7248 Rhexophiale rhexoblephara (Nyl.) Hellb. (1875) Yes Rhexophiale rhexoblephara Sagiolechia rhexoblephara 1303 NT NR Sc Rhexophiale rhexoblephara
7249 Rhizocarpon advenulum (Leight.) Hafellner & Poelt (1976) Yes Rhizocarpon advenulum Buellia advenula 1956 NE NR Sc LF Rhizocarpon advenulum
7250 Rhizocarpon alboatrum (Hoffm.) Anzi No Diplotomma alboatrum 496 LC
7251 Rhizocarpon alboatrum var. epipolium auct. p.p. No Diplotomma alboatrum 496 LC
7252 Rhizocarpon alboatrum var. epipolium (Ach.) A.L. Sm. No Diplotomma hedinii 498 LC NS
7253 Rhizocarpon alboatrum var. venustum auct. brit. p.max.p. No Diplotomma alboatrum 496 LC
7254 Rhizocarpon alboatrum var. venustum auct. brit. p.min.p. No Diplotomma hedinii 498 LC NS
7255 Rhizocarpon alpicola (Anzi) Rabenh. (1861) Yes Rhizocarpon alpicola 1245 LC NS Rhizocarpon alpicola
7256 Rhizocarpon amphibium (Fr.) Th. Fr. (1874) Yes Rhizocarpon amphibium 1683 DD NR Sc Rhizocarpon amphibium
7257 Rhizocarpon anaperum (Vain.) Vain. (1922) Yes Rhizocarpon anaperum 1099 LC NR Sc Rhizocarpon anaperum
7258 Rhizocarpon atlanticum I.M. Lamb No Rhizocarpon richardii 1250 LC
7259 Rhizocarpon atroalbescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. No Rhizocarpon eupetraeoides 1253 DD NR Sc
7260 Rhizocarpon badioatrum (Flörke ex Spreng.) Th. Fr. (1874) Yes Rhizocarpon badioatrum 1246 LC NS Sc Rhizocarpon badioatrum