Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5401 Montanelia disjuncta (Erichsen) Divakar, A. Crespo, Wedin & Essl. (2012) Yes Montanelia disjuncta Melanelia disjuncta; Parmelia disjuncta 992 LC NS Montanelia disjuncta
5402 Mosigia illita (Nyl.) R. Sant. No Rimularia badioatra 733 LC NS
5403 Mosigia intercedens (H. Magn.) R. Sant. No Rimularia intercedens 1633 LC NS
5404 Mucor furfuraceus L. No Chaenotheca furfuracea 466 LC
5405 Muellerella atricola (Linds.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. No ? Muellerella lichenicola {LF} LF
5406 Muellerella erratica (A. Massal.) Hafellner & Volk. John (2006) Yes Muellerella erratica Muellerella pygmaea var. athallina 2119 NE NR LF Muellerella erratica
5407 Muellerella haplotella (Nyl.) Arnold No Muellerella polyspora 2117 NE NR LF
5408 Muellerella hospitans Stizenb. (1863) Yes Muellerella hospitans 2115 NE NR LF Muellerella hospitans
5409 Muellerella lichenicola (Sommerf.) D. Hawksw. (1979) Yes Muellerella lichenicola 2116 LC LF Muellerella lichenicola
5410 Muellerella opegraphicola Zopf No Muellerella polyspora 2117 NE NR LF
5411 Muellerella polyspora Hepp ex Müll. Arg. (1862) Yes Muellerella polyspora 2117 NE NR LF Muellerella polyspora
5412 Muellerella pygmaea (Körb.) D. Hawksw. (1979) Yes Muellerella pygmaea 2118 LC LF Muellerella pygmaea
5413 Muellerella pygmaea var. athallina (Müll. Arg.) Triebel No Muellerella erratica 2119 NE NR LF
5414 Muellerella pygmaea var. ventosicola (Mudd) Triebel No Muellerella ventosicola 2120 NE NR LF
5415 Muellerella triseptata Diederich (1986) Yes Muellerella triseptata Capronia triseptata 2772 on Buellia griseovirens NE NR LF
5416 Muellerella ventosicola (Mudd) D. Hawksw. (2003) Yes Muellerella ventosicola 2120 NE NR LF Muellerella ventosicola
5417 Multiclavula corynoides (Peck) R.H. Petersen (1967) Yes Multiclavula corynoides 2755 NE NR
5418 Multiclavula mucida (Pers.) R.H. Petersen (1967) Yes Multiclavula mucida 2559 NE NR Multiclavula mucida
5419 Multiclavula vernalis (Schwein.) R.H. Petersen (1967) Yes Multiclavula vernalis 1779 DD NR Sc Multiclavula vernalis
5420 Mycobacidia arenicola (Mudd) Sacc. & D. Sacc. No Arthrorhaphis grisea 313 LC NS LF
5421 Mycobacidia flavovirescens (A. Massal.) Rehm (1890) No Arthrorhaphis citrinella 100 LC
5422 Mycobilimbia accedens (Arnold) V. Wirth & Hafellner ex Hafellner (1989) No Bilimbia sabuletorum 165 LC
5423 Mycobilimbia ahlesii (Körb.) R. Sant., com. inval. No Bryobilimbia ahlesii 790 LC NS
5424 Mycobilimbia berengeriana (A. Massal.) Hafellner & V. Wirth No Lecidea berengeriana 702 DD NS
5425 Mycobilimbia carneoalbida (Müll. Arg.) S. Ekman & Printzen (2004) Yes Mycobilimbia carneoalbida Bacidia carneoalbida
Biatora carneoalbida
1653 CR D NR Sc Mycobilimbia carneoalbida
5426 Mycobilimbia endocarpicola (Linds.) Vouaux No ? Toniniopsis verrucarioides
5427 Mycobilimbia epixanthoides (Nyl.) Vitik., Ahti, Kuusinen, Lommi & T. Ulvinen (2001) Yes Mycobilimbia epixanthoides Bacidia epixanthoides
Biatora epxanthoides
146 LC Mycobilimbia epixanthoides
5428 Mycobilimbia fusca (A. Massal.) Hafellner & V. Wirth No Mycobilimbia tetramera 160 VU D1+2 NR Sc
5429 Mycobilimbia hypnorum (Lib.) Kalb & Hafellner No Bryobilimbia hypnorum 730 LC NS
5430 Mycobilimbia killiasii (Hepp) Rehm No Bacidia killiasii 2017 NE NR LF