Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
4831 Lichen fragilis L. No Sphaerophorus fragilis 1332 LC
4832 Lichen fragrans Sm. (1808) No Scytinium fragrans 448 EN A, C NR P Sc Wa IR
4833 Lichen fraxineus L. No Ramalina fraxinea 1236 LC Sc IR
4834 Lichen fuciformis L. No Roccella fuciformis 1301 NT NS
4835 Lichen fucoides With., non Neck. No Cornicularia normoerica 472 LC
4836 Lichen fucoides Dicks. (1790), nom, illegit. No Roccella phycopsis 1302 NT NS
4837 Lichen fuliginosus Dicks. (1785) No Sticta fuliginosa 1367 LC Sc L IR
4838 Lichen fuliginosus With.(1776) No Sticta fuliginosa 1367 LC Sc L IR
4839 Lichen fungosus With. No Bulgaria inquinans Bulgaria inquinans (Pers.) Fr. F
4840 Lichen furfuraceus L. No Pseudevernia furfuracea s. lat. 1192
4841 Lichen fuscellus Turner No Placopyrenium fuscellum 1492 LC
4842 Lichen fuscoater L. (1753) No Lecidea fuscoatra s. lat. 724
4843 Lichen fuscoluteus Dicks. No Brigantiaea fuscolutea 186 NT NR Sc
4844 Lichen fuscovirens With. (1776) No Lathagrium fuscovirens 463 LC
4845 Lichen gagei Sm. No Herteliana gagei 557 LC NS
4846 Lichen gelasinatus With. No Sphinctrina turbinata 1261 LC NS LF
4847 Lichen gelatinosus With. (1776) No Scytinium gelatinosum 846 LC
4848 Lichen gelidus L. No Placopsis gelida 1133 DD NS
4849 Lichen geographicus L. No Rhizocarpon geographicum 1257 LC
4850 Lichen glaucus L. No Platismatia glauca 1145 LC
4851 Lichen glebulosus Sm. (1808) No Trapelia glebulosa 2713 LC
4852 Lichen globiferus L. No Sphaerophorus globosus 1333 LC
4853 Lichen globosus Huds. No Sphaerophorus globosus 1333 LC
4854 Lichen glomuliferus Lightf. (1777) No Ricasolia amplissima 855 LC Sc L IR
4855 Lichen gracilis L. (1753) No Cladonia gracilis 392 LC
4856 Lichen graniformis K.G. Hagen No Cliostomum corrugatum 428 VU B NR P Eng
4857 Lichen granulatus Huds. (1778) (nom. illegit.) No Lathagrium auriforme 433 LC
4858 Lichen granulatus auct. p.p. No Scytinium plicatile 843 LC
4859 Lichen griffithii Sm. No Cliostomum griffithii 429 LC
4860 Lichen griseus Lam. No Physconia grisea 1127 LC