Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
4711 Leucodermia leucomelos (L.) Kalb (2015) No Heterodermia leucomelos 558 EN C2 NR P Eng Wa S8 IR
4712 Leucogyrophana lichenicola Thorn, Malloch & Ginns (1998) No Penttilamyces lichenicola 2627 NE NR LF Leucogyrophana lichenicola
4713 Libertiella malmedyensis Speg. & Roum. (1880) Yes Libertiella malmedyensis 2085 NE ? LF Libertiella malmedyensis
4714 Libertiella peltigerae (Lib. ex Cooke) Keissl. No Libertiella malmedyensis 2085 NE ? LF
4715 Lichen abietinus sensu Sm. (1807), non Ach. No Cresponea premnea 605 LC Sc IR
4716 Lichen abietinus Ach. No Lecanactis abietina 592 LC
4717 Lichen acicularis sensu Sm., non Ach. No Chaenotheca hispidula 345 LC NS
4718 Lichen aculeatus Schreb. No Cetraria aculeata 430 LC
4719 Lichen aculeatus With. No Cetraria aculeata 430 LC
4720 Lichen affinis Dicks. No Pannaria rubiginosa 980 LC Sc L IR
4721 Lichen agelaeus Ach. No Phlyctis agelaea 1109 NT NS Sc
4722 Lichen albellus Pers. No Lecanora albella 754 LC NS Sc
4723 Lichen albescens Huds. (1762) No Lepra albescens var. albescens 1056 LC
4724 Lichen alcicornis Lightf. (1777) No Cladonia foliacea 387 LC
4725 Lichen amphibius With. No ? Dermatocarpon luridum
4726 Lichen ampullaceus L. No Parmelia omphalodes 1006 LC
4727 Lichen anthracinus Wulfen No Umbilicaria polyphylla 1451 LC
4728 Lichen aquaticus L. No Dermatocarpon luridum 487 LC
4729 Lichen aquaticus Weiss, non L. No Dermatocarpon luridum 487 LC
4730 Lichen aromaticus Sm. No Toninia aromatica 1415 LC
4731 Lichen articulatus L. No Usnea articulata 1456 NT P Eng Wa IR
4732 Lichen atlanticus Sm. No Tornabea scutellifera 1430 Ex
4733 Lichen atratus Sm. (1811), non Hedw. (1788) No Orphniospora moriopsis var. moriopsis 969 LC NS
4734 Lichen atrocinereus Dicks. (1793), non Vill. (1789) No Rinodina atrocinerea 1281 LC
4735 Lichen borreri Sm. No Punctelia borreri 985 LC Sc
4736 Lichen brunneus Sw. No Protopannaria pezizoides 979 LC
4737 Lichen burgessii L. No Leptogium burgessii 830 LC Sc WaL IR
4738 Lichen byssoides L. No Baeomyces rufus 176 LC
4739 Lichen caesariensis With. No Roccella fuciformis 1301 NT NS
4740 Lichen calcareus L. (1753) No Circinaria calcarea 103 LC