Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
7711 Sphaerellothecium cinerascens Etayo & Diederich (1998) Yes Sphaerellothecium cinerascens 2702 parasitic on Cladonia parasitica NE NR LF Sphaerellothecium cinerascens
7712 Sphaerellothecium cladoniae (Alstrup & Zhurb.) Hafellner (2005) Yes Sphaerellothecium cladoniae Sphaerellothecium araneosum var. cladoniae 2457 NE NR LF Sphaerellothecium cladoniae
7713 Sphaerellothecium icmadophilae (R. Sant.) Zhurb. (2008) Yes Sphaerellothecium icmadophilae Stigmidium icmadophilae 2727 lichenicolous on Icmadophila NE NR LF
7714 Sphaerellothecium minutum Hafellner (1993) Yes Sphaerellothecium minutum 2214 NE NR LF Sphaerellothecium minutum
7715 Sphaerellothecium parietinarium (Linds.) Hafellner & V. John (2006) Yes Sphaerellothecium parietinarium Endococcus parietinarius 2058 lichenicolous on Xanthoria parietina NE NR LF
7716 Sphaerellothecium propinquellum (Nyl.) Cl. Roux & Triebel (1994) Yes Sphaerellothecium propinquellum 2215 NE NR LF Sphaerellothecium propinquellum
7717 Sphaerellothecium pumilum (Lettau) Nav.-Ros., Cl. Roux & Hafellner Yes Sphaerellothecium pumilum Stigmidium pumilum 2234 parasitic on Physcia spp. NE NR LF Sphaerellothecium pumilum
7718 Sphaerellothecium siphulae Zhurb. (2015) Yes Sphaerellothecium siphulae 2675 lichenicolous on Siphula ceratites NE NR LF
7719 Sphaerellothecium thamnoliae Zhurb. (2012) Yes Sphaerellothecium thamnoliae 2700 on Thamnolia NE NR LF
7720 Sphaeria cerinaria Mudd No ? Lichenodiplis lecanorae {LF} LF
7721 Sphaeria cetrariicola Nyl. No Lichenopeltella cetrariicola 2098 NE NR LF
7722 Sphaeria gelidaria Mudd No Roselliniopsis gelidaria 2188 NE NR LF
7723 Sphaeria leucostoma Bernh., non Pers:Fr. (1832) No Pertusaria leioplaca 1079 LC
7724 Sphaeria solorinae Stirt. in herb. No Rhagadostoma lichenicola 2184 NE NR LF
7725 Sphaeria sphincterica Sowerby No Sphinctrina turbinata 1261 LC NS LF
7726 Sphaeria squamarioides Mudd No Polycoccum squamarioides 2168 NE NR LF
7727 Sphaeria thallophila Cooke No Anisomeridium biforme 48 LC
7728 Sphaeromphale terebrata Mudd No Staurothele rupifraga 1347 LC NS
7729 Sphaeromphale umbrina (Wahlenb.) Mudd No Staurothele fissa 1343 LC
7730 Sphaeropezia pertusariae (Etayo, Diederich & Coppins) Baloch & Wedin (2013) Yes Sphaeropezia pertusariae Odontotrema pertusariae 2376 NE NR LF Sphaeropezia pertusariae
7731 Sphaerophoron compressum Ach. [orthogr. error] No Bunodophoron melanocarpum 1334 LC
7732 Sphaerophoron coralloides Pers. (1794), orth. error No Sphaerophorus globosus 1333
7733 Sphaerophorus compressus Ach. No Bunodophoron melanocarpum 1334 LC
7734 Sphaerophorus coralloides Pers. No Sphaerophorus globosus 1333 LC
7735 Sphaerophorus coralloides var. caespitosus (DC.) Turner & Borrer No Sphaerophorus fragilis 1332 LC
7736 Sphaerophorus coralloides var. compressus Taylor No Bunodophoron melanocarpum 1334 LC
7737 Sphaerophorus coralloides var. fragilis (L.) Taylor No Sphaerophorus fragilis 1332 LC
7738 Sphaerophorus coralloides var. laxus Turner & Borrer No Sphaerophorus globosus 1333 LC
7739 Sphaerophorus fragilis (L.) Pers. (1794) Yes Sphaerophorus fragilis 1332 LC Sphaerophorus fragilis
7740 Sphaerophorus globosus (Huds.) Vain. (1903) Yes Sphaerophorus globosus Sphaerophorus coralloides 1333 LC Sphaerophorus globosus