Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
2821 Graphis sophistica var. pulverulenta (Arnold) Leight. No Graphis inustuloides 529 LC
2822 Graphium aphthosae Alstrup & D. Hawksw. (1990) Yes Graphium aphthosae 2582 NE NR LF Graphium aphthosae
2823 Gregorella humida (Kullh.) Lumbsch (2005) Yes Gregorella humida Moelleropsis humida 1879 LC NR Gregorella humida
2824 Guignardia corniculata (Wallr.) Keissl. No Obryzum corniculatum 2130 NE NR LF
2825 Guignardia fimbriatae auct. brit. No ? Phaeopyxis punctum {LF} LF
2826 Guignardia fimbriatae (Vain.) Keissler, non auct. brit. No Lichenosticta alcicornaria 2101 NE NR LF
2827 Guignardia olivieri (Vouaux) Sacc. No Telogalla olivieri 2068 NE NR LF
2828 Guignardia psoromoides (Borrer) Keissl. No Catapyrenium psoromoides 303 CR D NR P Sc S8
2829 Gyalecta ascaridiella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1924) No Spirographa fusisporella 2218 LC NS LF
2830 Gyalecta biformis (Körb.) H. Olivier (1911) Yes Gyalecta biformis 534 DD NR Sc Gyalecta biformis
2831 Gyalecta bryophaga (Körb. ex Arnold) Hellb. No Cryptodiscus gloeocapsa 187 LC NS
2832 Gyalecta calcicola (Walt. Watson) Baloch & Lücking (2013) No Belonia calcicola 177 May become adopted name in future DD NR ?E P Eng IR
2833 Gyalecta carneola (Ach.) Hellb. No Pachyphiale carneola 972 May become adopted name in future LC
2834 Gyalecta carneolutea (Turner) H. Olivier (1884) No Cryptolechia carneolutea 473 EN A2, C1+2, D NS P Eng IR
2835 Gyalecta cornea Tuck. (1872) No Pachyphiale carneola 972 LC L
2836 Gyalecta corticola (Lönnr.) Tuck. (1872) No Pachyphiale fagicola 973 NT NR Sc
2837 Gyalecta cupularis (Hedw.) Schaer. (1826) No Secoliga jenensis 539 LC
2838 Gyalecta cupularis var. marmorea auct. p.max.p. No Secoliga jenensis 539 LC
2839 Gyalecta derivata (Nyl.) H. Olivier (1911) Yes Gyalecta derivata Gyalecta truncigena var. derivata 535 LC NS Gyalecta derivata
2840 Gyalecta diluta (Pers.) Blomb. & Forssell (1880) No Coenogonium pineti 489 LC
2841 Gyalecta exanthematica (Sm.) Fr. No Petractis clausa 1098 LC
2842 Gyalecta fagicola (Hepp) Kremp. No Pachyphiale fagicola 973 May become adopted name in future NT NR Sc
2843 Gyalecta flotovii Körb. (1855) [ortog. var.] No Gyalecta flotowii 536 orthographic variant NT NS Sc L
2844 Gyalecta flotowii Körb. (1855) Yes Gyalecta flotowii 536 NT NS Sc L Gyalecta flotowii
2845 Gyalecta foveolaris (Ach.) Schaer. (1836) Yes Gyalecta foveolaris 537 NT NR Sc Gyalecta foveolaris
2846 Gyalecta fritzei Stein No Gyalidea fritzei 543 NT NR Sc
2847 Gyalecta geoica (Wahlenb. ex Ach.) Ach. (1808) Yes Gyalecta geoica 538 LC NS Gyalecta geoica
2848 Gyalecta gloeocapsa (Nitschke ex Arnold) Zahlbr. No Cryptodiscus gloeocapsa 187 LC NS
2849 Gyalecta hypoleuca (Ach.) Zahlbr. (1924) Yes Gyalecta hypoleuca Petractis hypoleuca 2453 VU D2 NR Gyalecta hypoleuca
2850 Gyalecta incarnata (Th. Fr. & Graewe) Baloch & Lücking (2013) No Belonia incarnata 178 May become adopted name in future LC NS