Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
8731 Verrucaria nigrescens f. nigrescens Pers. (1795) Yes Verrucaria nigrescens f. nigrescens 1510 LC Verrucaria nigrescens f. nigrescens
8732 Verrucaria nigrescens f. tectorum (A. Massal.) Coppins & Aptroot (2008) Yes Verrucaria nigrescens f. tectorum 2514 isidiate morph LC Verrucaria nigrescens f. tectorum
8733 Verrucaria nigritella Nyl. No Merismatium nigritellum 2110 NE NR LF
8734 Verrucaria nitida auct. brit. p.min.p. No Pyrenula chlorospila 1221 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC
8735 Verrucaria nitida auct. brit. p.max.p. No Pyrenula macrospora 1224 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC
8736 Verrucaria nitida var. nitidella auct. brit. p.max.p. No Pyrenula chlorospila 1221 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past LC
8737 Verrucaria nitida var. nitidella Flörke ex Schaer. (1826) No Pyrenula nitidella 1227 Ex
8738 Verrucaria niveoatra Borrer No Opegrapha niveoatra 953 LC
8739 Verrucaria nodosa Orange (2013) Yes Verrucaria nodosa 2616 NE Verrucaria nodosa
8740 Verrucaria obfuscans (Nyl.) Nyl. (1881) Yes Verrucaria obfuscans 2649 NE NR Verrucaria obfuscans
8741 Verrucaria obscura (Sm. & Sowerby) Borrer No Enterographa crassa 504 LC
8742 Verrucaria ochrostoma (Borrer ex Leight.) Trevis. (1860) Yes Verrucaria ochrostoma 1511 DD NR Verrucaria ochrostoma
8743 Verrucaria olivacea auct. No Porina borreri 1170 LC NS
8744 Verrucaria ovata Deakin (1854) No Verrucaria nigrescens f. nigrescens 1510 type requires study to confirm identity LC
8745 Verrucaria oxyspora Nyl. No Leptorhaphis epidermidis 1553 LC F
8746 Verrucaria pachyderma (Arnold) Arnold (1880) Yes Verrucaria pachyderma 1477 DD NR Verrucaria pachyderma
8747 Verrucaria pallidomurina Orange (2020) Yes Verrucaria pallidomurina 2783 NE NR
8748 Verrucaria papillosa auct. brit. pre-1980 No Verrucaria sp. 1646 various Verrucaria spp.
8749 Verrucaria papillosa Ach. No Verrucaria viridula 1518 LC
8750 Verrucaria papillosa var. papillosoides Walt. Watson No Verrucaria sp. Verrucaria sp. of uncertain identity
8751 Verrucaria parmigera auct. brit., non J. Steiner No Bagliettoa parmigera s. lat. 1479 LC
8752 Verrucaria parmigerella Zahlbr. (1919) No Bagliettoa parmigerella 1621 LC NR
8753 Verrucaria parva Deakin No Verrucaria murina 1508 LC NS
8754 Verrucaria peloclita Nyl. (1877) No Parabagliettoa pinguicula 1512 LC NS
8755 Verrucaria peltophora Stirt.) No identity uncertain, type not traced
8756 Verrucaria perminuta Deakin (1854) No ? Porina byssophila
8757 Verrucaria perpusilla (Nyl.) Leight. No Endococcus perpusillus 2059 NE NR LF
8758 Verrucaria perquisita (Norman) Ertz & Diederich No Trimmatothele perquisita 1439 currently a synonym but may be adopted as the correct name in the future DD NR Sc
8759 Verrucaria pertenuis Leight. (1878) No Porina chlorotica f. tenuifera 1887 NE NR
8760 Verrucaria phaeosperma Arnold (1874) Yes Verrucaria phaeosperma Phaeosporis phaeosperma 2347 lichenicolous, mostly on Hymenelia prevostii NE NR LF Verrucaria phaeosperma