Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
8461 Usnea foveata Vain. No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8462 Usnea foveolata Vain. No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8463 Usnea fragilescens Hav. ex Lynge (1921) Yes Usnea fragilescens Usnea fragilescens var. mollis 1817 LC Usnea fragilescens
8464 Usnea fragilescens var. mollis (Vain.) P. Clerc (1987) No Usnea fragilescens 1817 LC
8465 Usnea fulvoreagens auct. brit. p.p., non (Räsänen) Räsänen No Usnea esperantiana 1816 name or specific epithet valid but has been misused in the past NT NR Sc IR
8466 Usnea fulvoreagens (Räsänen) Räsänen (1935) Yes Usnea fulvoreagens 1465 NE NR? Usnea fulvoreagens
8467 Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. (1915) Yes Usnea glabrata 1466 DD NR Sc IR Usnea glabrata
8468 Usnea glabrescens (Nyl. ex Vain.) Vain. (1925) Yes Usnea glabrescens Usnea extensa 1467 LC NS Usnea glabrescens
8469 Usnea glauca Motyka No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8470 Usnea hirta (L.) F.H. Wigg. (1780) Yes Usnea hirta 1468 LC Usnea hirta
8471 Usnea hirta f. hirsutula Stirt. No Usnea subfloridana 1471 LC
8472 Usnea hirta var. comiformis Motyka ex Räsänen No Usnea hirta 1468 LC
8473 Usnea hirta var. minutissima (Mereschk.) Cretz. No Usnea hirta 1468 LC
8474 Usnea hirta var. villosa (Ach.) Räsänen No Usnea hirta 1468 LC
8475 Usnea implicata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. No Usnea baileyi Usnea baileyi (Stirt.) Zahlbr., incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8476 Usnea inflata (Duby) Motyka (1937) No Usnea cornuta s. lat. 1469 LC
8477 Usnea intexta Stirt. (1881) No Usnea cornuta s. lat. 1469 LC
8478 Usnea intexta var. constrictula (Stirt.) D. Hawksw. & D. Chapm. (1972) Usnea cornuta s. lat. 1469 LC
8479 Usnea lapponica Vain. No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8480 Usnea laricina auct., ? non Vain. ex Räsänen No Usnea glabrescens 1467 LC NS
8481 Usnea madeirensis Motyka No Usnea silesiaca 1818 VU D2 NR Sc
8482 Usnea mollis Stirt. (1881) nom. illegit. No Usnea fragilescens 1817 LC
8483 Usnea monstruosa auct. brit., non Vain. No Usnea dasopoga 1460 LC
8484 Usnea muricata Motyka No Usnea dasopoga 1460 LC
8485 Usnea pendulina Motyka No incorrectly reported from the British Isles
8486 Usnea perplexans Stirt. (1881) Yes Usnea perplexans 2742 NE NR
8487 Usnea plicata auct. brit. p.p. No Usnea ceratina 1458 LC Sc
8488 Usnea plicata auct. brit. p.p. No Usnea rubicunda 1470 LC
8489 Usnea plicata var. comosa (Ach.) Ach. No Usnea subfloridana 1471 LC
8490 Usnea praetervisa (Asahina) P. Clerc (2004) Yes Usnea praetervisa 2743 NE NR