Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
7801 Sporodophoron cretaceum (Hue) Ertz & Frisch (2015) Yes Sporodophoron cretaceum Schismatomma cretaceum; Schismatomma virgineum 1318 LC Sc IR Sporodophoron cretaceum
7802 Sporopodium fuscoluteum (Dicks.) Vain. No Brigantiaea fuscolutea 186 NT NR Sc
7803 Sporormiella intermedia (Auersw.) S.I. Ahmed & Cain ex Kobayasi (1969) Yes Sporormiella intermedia 2758 facultatively lichenicolous on Peltigera; usually coprophilous NE LF
7804 Squamaria affinis (Dicks.) Hook. No Pannaria rubiginosa 980 LC Sc L IR
7805 Squamaria caesia (Hoffm.) Hook. No Physcia caesia 1114 LC
7806 Squamaria candelaria sensu Hook. (1833) No Candelaria concolor 289 LC
7807 Squamaria candelaria auct. p.p. No Xanthoria candelaria s. lat. 1527 LC
7808 Squamaria candelaria var. polycarpa (Hoffm.) Hook. No Xanthoria polycarpa 1531 LC
7809 Squamaria cartilaginea auct. brit. No Protoparmeliopsis achariana 623 CR B, C2 NR P Eng Sc Wa S8
7810 Squamaria circinata auct. brit. No Lobothallia radiosa 124 LC
7811 Squamaria circinatula (Nyl.) H. Olivier (1909) No Lobothallia radiosa 124 LC
7812 Squamaria clementei (Sm.) Hook. No Physcia clementei 1115 NT NS Sc
7813 Squamaria crassa (Huds.) DC. No Squamarina cartilaginea 1337 LC
7814 Squamaria exomila (Stirt.) Walt. Watson comb. inval. No Myriolecis crenulata 644 LC
7815 Squamaria gelida (L.) Hook. No Placopsis gelida 1133 DD NS
7816 Squamaria gelida auct. p.p. No Placopsis lambii 1723 LC M*
7817 Squamaria gelida f. dispersa Cromb. (1873) No Placopsis lambii 1723 LC M*
7818 Squamaria gelida f. dispersa sensu Leight. p.p. No Trapelia glebulosa s. lat. 1432 prob. referable to Trapelia involuta LC
7819 Squamaria hypnorum (Vahl) Hook. No Psoroma hypnorum 1205 LC NS
7820 Squamaria lanuginosa Hook., (1833) nom. illeg. No Lepraria membranacea 1603 LC
7821 Squamaria lentigera (Weber) DC. No Squamarina lentigera 1339 CR C2 NR P Eng S8
7822 Squamaria leucolepis (Wahlenb.) Hook. No Pannaria hookeri 975 NT NS Sc
7823 Squamaria melanaspis (Ach.) Elenkin (1904) No Lobothallia melanaspis 120 EN D NR P Sc
7824 Squamaria muralis (Schreb.) Elenkin (1904) No Protoparmeliopsis muralis 661 LC
7825 Squamaria murorum sensu Hook. p.p. No Caloplaca aurantia 239 LC
7826 Squamaria murorum sensu Hook. p.p. No Caloplaca flavescens 259 LC
7827 Squamaria muscorum (Ach.) Hook. (1844) No Massalongia carnosa 861 LC
7828 Squamaria pruinosa (Chaub.) Duby No Myriolecis pruinosa 670 LC NS
7829 Squamaria saxicola (Pollich) Howitt (1839) No Protoparmeliopsis muralis 661 LC
7830 Squamaria saxicola f. dispersa Leight. (1879) No Protoparmeliopsis muralis 661 LC