Lichen Taxon Dictionary

For more information see the Supplementary Notes for the Taxon Dictionary, which explains the names and synonyms, and these Instructions on how to use the online Taxon Dictionary which includes details of the Conservation Evaluation codes.
Count Name Authority Is Current Name? Current Taxon Name Synonyms BLS Number Comments Conservation Evaluation Group Account & Map
5191 Melanospora cerebrina (DC.) Mudd No Poeltinula cerebrina 501 VU B NR P Eng Sc
5192 Melanotheca diffusa Leight. No Tomasellia diffusa 1730 LC NR Sc F
5193 Melanotheca gelatinosa (Chevall.) Zahlbr. No Tomasellia gelatinosa 1565 LC F
5194 Melanotheca ischnobela Nyl. No Celothelium ischnobelum 1566 LC
5195 Melaspilea amota Nyl. (1867) Yes Melaspilea amota 864 NT NR F Melaspilea amota
5196 Melaspilea atroides Coppins (1992) Yes Melaspilea atroides 1718 LC NS Sc IR Melaspilea atroides
5197 Melaspilea bagliettoana Zahlbr. (1904) Yes Melaspilea bagliettoana 876 NT NR Sc F Melaspilea bagliettoana
5198 Melaspilea constrictella Stirt. No 865 type and only collection considered not to have originated from the British Isles, BLS number no longer used
5199 Melaspilea diplasiospora auct. brit. Yes Melaspilea diplasiospora 866 Differs from the type which is non-lichenicolous NE NR LF
5200 Melaspilea diplasiospora (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1887) No Melaspileopsis diplasiospora incorrectly reported from the British Isles F Melaspilea diplasiospora
5201 Melaspilea granitophila (Th. Fr.) Coppins (1989) No Arthonia granitophila 868 LC NS
5202 Melaspilea interjecta (Leight.) A.L. Sm. (1911) Yes Melaspilea interjecta Encephalographa interjecta 1719 DD NR Sc IR Melaspilea interjecta
5203 Melaspilea leciographoides Vouaux (1913) Yes Melaspilea leciographoides 1948 NE NR LF
5204 Melaspilea lentiginosa (Lyell ex Leight.) Müll. Arg. (1887) No Stictographa lentiginosa 1554 NT NR P Eng Wa IR LF
5205 Melaspilea lentiginosula (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. (1911) Yes Melaspilea lentiginosula 1949 NT NR Sc IR F Melaspilea lentiginosula
5206 Melaspilea ochrothalamia Nyl. (1865) Yes Melaspilea ochrothalamia 867 LC NS F Melaspilea ochrothalamia
5207 Melaspilea patersonii Stirt. No Bactrospora dryina 173 CR D NR Sc
5208 Melaspilea proximella (Nyl.) Nyl. (1873) [1871-1874] Yes Melaspilea proximella Melaspileella proximella 1950 LC NS F Melaspilea proximella
5209 Melaspilea subarenacea J. Nowak & Kiszka (1974) No Arthonia granitophila 868 LC NS
5210 Melaspilea vermifera Leight. (1876), nom. illeg. No Spirographa fusisporella 2218 LC NS LF
5211 Melaspilea vermiformis Leight. (1875) No Spirographa fusisporella 2218 LC NS LF
5212 Melaspileella proximella (Nyl.) Ertz & Diederich (2015) No Melaspilea proximella 1950 may become the correct name LC NS F
5213 Melittiosporium lichenicola (Mont.) Massee (1895) [orth. error] No Diploschistes muscorum 494 LC
5214 Mellitiosporium lichenicola (Mont. & Fr.) Massee (1895) No Diploschistes muscorum 494 LC
5215 Menegazzia pertusa (Schaer.) Stein No Menegazzia terebrata 869 LC Sc IR
5216 Menegazzia subsimilis (H. Magn.) R. Sant. (1942) Yes Menegazzia subsimilis 2447 NT NR Menegazzia subsimilis
5217 Menegazzia terebrata (Hoffm.) A. Massal. (1854) Yes Menegazzia terebrata 869 LC Sc IR Menegazzia terebrata
5218 Merismatium coccisporum (Norman) Vouaux (1913) Yes Merismatium coccisporum 2686 in British Isles on Stereocaulon plicatile NE NR LF
5219 Merismatium deminutum (Arnold) Cl. Roux & Nav.-Ros. (2002) Yes Merismatium deminutum Polyblastia deminuta 1152 LC NS LF Merismatium deminutum
5220 Merismatium discrepans (J. Lahm) Triebel (1989) Yes Merismatium discrepans Merismatium lopadii 1154 LC NS LF Merismatium discrepans