On Sunday 17 July, PALE (Petersfield Area Lichen Enthusiasts) took part in Petersfield’s first ever Eco-fair.
The fair was well supported by a wide range of local organisations across four principal categories – Low Waste Living, Nature, Home Energy and Green Travel.
Despite the temperature reaching in the order of 30 degrees, it was most encouraging that there was a steady and interested flow of visitors throughout the six hours of the Eco-fair.
PALE had designed a printed leaflet introducing lichens – text on one side and photographs of seven very common lichens (including Graphis scripta, Lecidella elaeochroma, Evernia prunastri and Flavoparmelia caperata), found locally, on the reverse. Also, we designed some stickers featuring four of these species. It is fair to say that people loved the stickers and the leaflets were also well received.
In advance, we had collected locally some twigs and branches so that visitors could look through lenses at common lichens. Without doubt, people were impressed by their beauty. ‘Wow’ was the most common reaction!
Seven people signed up to be kept informed of PALE activities including a BLS member from near Reading!
We fielded a lot of questions about lichen covering a diverse range of topics. Also, we were interviewed by the local Petersfield radio station! We are planning a guided lichen walk around Petersfield Heath for approximately 90 minutes on Sunday 21 August. We will aim to show participants about 10 common species and it will be PALE’s contribution to the Lichens for All celebration. Additionally, we are trying to have this walk included in the Petersfield Walking Festival which takes place during August.