Area: Largely Fife
Note: Tayside Lichen Group is nearby just to the north.
Description: This is a new group aiming to meet approximately every six weeks, on a Saturday to hopefully allow working folks an opportunity to attend. FLAG is a self-learning group which aims to encourage local interest in lichens. Venues will predominantly be local to Fife and all levels of expertise are welcome.
A typical field meeting will start at 10:00 am and you can stay as long as you wish but it will end by 4 pm. Bring your own lunch and drink and appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather (including sun protection, rain protection and midge protection!) Due to the sensitive habitats we will be visiting, we ask you not to bring your dog. We have a few spare hand lenses, but bring your own if you have one; same goes for chemicals, field guides etc. Some of us also carry binoculars to keep our eyes open for more animated types of wildlife!
Members will be emailed about two weeks in advance with the meeting place and timings. Additionally, the meetings will be listed on the BLS events calendar and the Scottish Lichens Facebook page. The list of outings for 2024 is also attache below.