Young People and Lichens: Zoom Discussion Part 1

Event Type
Talks and exhibitions
Start date
End date
Event Description:


This is a Discussion / Brainstorming Meeting via Zoom open to BLS members and anyone interested.

organised by Judith Allinson for the BLS who writes:

"It is planned to have three such meetings on this topic via Zoom and we have arranged to hold the first during "Lichens for All" month.

The date of the second meeting will be planned at this meeting.   We especially value young people's views

The first is this Tuesday 9 Aug at 7pm. to 8.30pm.
The aim is to have brainstorming sessions on the following topics:

  1.  How to encourage interest and activity in lichenology amongst young people of all backgrounds, 
  2.  How the BLS can/might be able to assist the development of  young people in lichen skills.

By "young people" I am thinking of people between 7yrs and 35 yrs and "of all backgrounds" to be as inclusive as possible.
I will record the points from the discussions.

I hope the discussions will be useful to

a) People who want to encourage young people to be more interested in nature

b) Any young people who may come to this meeting, to answer their questions

c) People of the future in general - because the lichenologists of the future need to start training now!  It takes a few years to build up experience. 

d) The BLS, including council.

I hope that people will feel inspired to do something as a result of these discussions, but no-one is committed to carry out individual suggestions.

If you cannot attend this first meeting but would like to attend one of the two following ones (and even suggest a different night of the week) please let me know. at  

Please can you register for this meeting: The Zoom Link for this Tuesday  Aug 9, 2022 07:00 PM London is:  
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting."