Sorby Natural History Society – Wetton Mill, Manifold Valley

Event Type
Local Meetings
Start date
Event Description:

Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)


Lichen Meeting to Wetton Mill, Manifold Valley, Staffordshire

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Leader: Steve Price, email:


Trees, carboniferous limestone outcrops and drystone walls will be the main lichen habitats to be studied at this meeting. There are very few records for this immediate area and being located towards the south-west corner of the Sorby recording area it is rarely visited by the Society.


Meet at 10:30am at grid ref SK09475608 where there is a generous amount of layby and roadside parking. This is to the west of Wetton Mill just over the river-bridge on the minor road to Ecton.


As always beginners are most welcome as are Members wishing to study areas of interest other than lichens. Bring the usual field kit and some suitable outdoor clothing. The plan is for a full day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch.


a map of the area can be viewed at: