Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)
Lichen Meeting to Reeve Edge Quarries, Danebower
Saturday 17 June 2022
Leader: Steve Price, email:
This upland area near the head of the River Dane was until the early 20th century the site of coal mining and quarrying activity – the quarries being for the production of sandstone roofing slates. There has been very little recording activity here and the extensive spoil heaps and outcrops in heather / acid grassland surroundings together with the river (more like a brook at this point) promise a rewarding day for both lichens and invertebrates.
This meetig is joint with the Sorby Invertebrate Group.
Meet at 10.30am at the lay-by car park on the A54 Buxton to Congleton road – grid ref SK007698. This is about 4 miles south-west from the outskirts of Buxton.
As always beginners are most welcome as are Members wishing to study areas of interest other than lichens and invertebrates. Bring a hand lens, note book, field guides and usual field kit. This is an upland site and clothing adequate for wet and cold weather should be worn. The plan is for a full day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch.