Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield) - Pilsbury Castle Hills, Upper Dove Valley

Event Type
Local Meetings
Start date
Event Description:

Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)

Lichen Meeting to Pilsbury Castle Hills, Upper Dove Valley

Tuesday 25 July 2023 (note the change of date from 4 July as originally notified)


Leader: Steve Price, email:


The limestone outcrops on the valley side above Pilsbury Castle promise to give us a rich set of lichens in this under-recorded area.

Meet at 10.30am at grid ref. SK125644 on the minor road to Pilsbury Lodge. It is a narrow road used by farm traffic so please park well onto the road verge. Note, at the time of writing the unmade road up the valley-side from Pilsbury village is closed to traffic. The site is about 6 miles south-east from the outskirts of Buxton.

As always beginners are most welcome as are Members wishing to study areas of interest other than lichens. Bring a hand lens, note book and field guides. The plan is for a full-day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch.