Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)
Meeting to Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire
Tuesday 9th May 2023
contact: Steve Price, email:
Leaders: Craig Levy, Jim Flanagan
Last September's visit to the parkland and gardens of Newstead Abbey scarcely scratched the surface of the lichen interest and revealed potential for recording many more interesting invertebrates. This visit, joint with the Sorby Invertebrate Group, will enable us to visit areas not looked at last year and hopefully record many early season invertebrate species to add to the site list.
Nottingham City Council who own the Abbey and grounds are keen for us to record on the site and will offer free access for attendees whose names are provided beforehand. So if by 30 April attendees can let Steve Price know of their intention to attend free entry should be able to be organised. Otherwise the normal entry fee of £6.00 per car will apply or £2.00 per person if entering on foot.
Newstead Abbey is towards the south-east of the Sorby Recording area about 5km south of the outskirts of Mansfield. Meet at 10.30am at the main car park (grid ref. SK541540). The entrance gate to the property is on the A60 at Ravenshead (grid ref. SK556545).
As always beginners are most welcome as are Members wishing to study areas of interest other than lichens and invertebrates. The plan is for a full day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch (as well as the obligatory hand-lens, note-book, pooter, pots and sweep-net!)