Sorby Natural History Society – Bradwell Moor lead mine workings

Event Type
Local Meetings
Start date
Event Description:

Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)


Lichen Meeting to Bradwell Moor lead mine workings, Derbyshire

Saturday 17 August 2024

Contact: Steve Price, email:


This meeting will look at the lichens of the old lead workings on this limestone plateau. As well as the lead workings there are the limestone walls and outcrops to study. There is a dearth of records for this immediate area.

Meet at 10:30am at grid ref SK141795 on the Batham Gate (course of Roman Road). There is some track-side parking here and also 200m south near the next bend in the road.

As always beginners are most welcome as are Members wishing to study areas of interest other than lichens. Bring a the usual field kit and some suitable outdoor clothing - this plateau area is at over 400m altitude and up here even in summer the weather can feel rough. The plan is for a full day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch.


a map of the area can be viewed at: