Sorby Natural History Society - Abney Clough

Event Type
Local Meetings
Start date
Event Description:

Sorby Natural History Society (Sheffield)

Lichen Meeting to Abney Clough

Tuesday 8 April 2025

Leader: Steve Price, email:

The plan is to work our way down from Abney to the Stoke Ford area looking at lichens on the trees, shrubs and gritstone walls. At Stoke Ford the number of veteran oaks increase significantly. For Abney Clough itself there are on the database only a handful of located records.

Meet at 10.30am in Abney at the top of the footpath down to Abney Clough, Grid Ref SK19867988. There is roadside parking in the village.


As always beginners are most welcome. Bring along a hand-lens and id. guides if you have them. The plan is for a full-day meeting so do bring along a drink and lunch.


to see a map of the area click here: